Breast nodules are mostly due to liver qi stagnation! 3 traditional Chinese medicine substitutes for tea, soothes the liver and relieves stagnation, and can assist in dispersing

Two days ago, a friend went for a physical examination and the report showed that there was a “fibroadenoma” in the breast, and asked the doctor that it was a type of breast nodule, so she could try exercise , scattered.

My friend told me that I did find a sudden chest pain in the past, but because it was not very serious, I didn’t pay much attention to it. I didn’t expect to find breast nodules.

I can’t help but sigh, whether it’s anxiety, anger or tiredness, the small problem of breast nodules has really become more and more a “pain point” for contemporary women. “Oh…

In fact, whether it is breast nodules or breast hyperplasia, traditional Chinese medicine collectively calls such breast problems “breast addiction”. It’s all caused by “disturbed liver qi”.

Qing Dynasty physician Gao Bingjun said in the Collection of Experiences in Ulcer Department:

“There is a nucleus in the breast…to yangming the stomach The earth is most afraid of the liver wood, the liver qi is uncomfortable, the stomach sees the stagnation of the wood, and it is afraid to come to restrain it, the qi is not raised, the qi does not dare to relax, the liver qi is not comfortable, and the formation of swelling and hardness…”

Its formation process is generally like this:

All kinds of thoughts, anxiety, anger → Liver qi is not raised smoothly, transformed into qi stagnation → Liver wood inhibits the spleen and earth, and the spleen and spleen are abnormally transported and transformed, resulting in phlegm-dampness → qi and blood are blocked by phlegm-dampness, resulting in blood stasis → qi stagnation, phlegm-dampness, blood stasis or separate existence, or entanglement with each other, “blocking” the breast, Form “milk addiction”.

As soon as they see the blockage, many friends will want to ask in conditioned reflex: Can it be loosened by massage? My answer is – not recommended.

Breasts are mainly composed of glands and fatty tissue. Breast tissue is the most critical part of it, responsible for milk production.

Describe the breast, like a bunch of grapes in the breast, very fragile, massage the breast directly, not only will not rub the nodules, but also may cause ” The grapes” burst, triggering various inflammations. Even scraping does not directly target the breast itself.

In the final analysis, the reasons for the formation of breast nodules are complex and related to each person’s physique and metabolic capacity. I observed the state of the people around me, and I roughly divided them into two categories.

Which type of breast nodule do you have?

Type 1 breast nodules – related to mood, menstrual cycle.

This is also the most common type. For example, many young girls are still in the stage of “qi stagnation”, which has not risen to phlegm dampness and blood stasis. blood, so it is a “primary” breast nodule:

As long as my aunt comes, my breasts will feel sore and uncomfortable.

Type 2 breast nodules – an upgraded version of Type 1.

Qi stagnation remains unresolved for a long time, and ultimately damages the two viscera, the liver and spleen, resulting in phlegm-dampness and blood stasis. It is a relatively more complex “upgraded” breast nodule:

But no matter what kind of breast nodule, in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the first thing to adjust is It is “evil”, that is, the lumps and nodules that are blocked. Here, I would like to recommend to you a very simple and effective therapeutic formula: Dandelion tea.

Dandelion can be regarded as a very common wild vegetable in spring~ Due to its tenacious vitality, for a little moisture, its roots can be stabbed into a deep place.

So the ancients said that It is “the most humble and has great power”, it enters the liver and stomach meridians, and after entering the body, it can reach the breast and help reduce swelling. , heat, pain, small nodules.

“Materia Medica Justice”: “Dandelion, its cool nature, treats all the symptoms of sore, carbuncle, redness, swelling, heat and poison. It can be applied and it is quite fulfilled, and it is especially effective for treating breast carbuncle, redness, swelling and firm lumps. The fresh ones are smashed and warmed, and the dry ones are decoction. It can also be cured blindly, and it is indispensable in decoction prescriptions. ”

Pain from “blocking” of breast nodules & hyperplasia, chest pain from liver stagnation before and after menstruation, “blocking” milk during lactation, mastitis…etc. With the detoxifying power of dandelion, all kinds of discomfort accumulated in the breast can be thoroughly cleaned up.

In addition, friends with breast nodules, it is recommended to use dandelion. Soak the leaves and roots in water together.

The leaves of dandelion stretch outwards, which are light agents, go on the coke, and disperse outwards, helping to fight inflammation and clear fire. The root is mainly responsible for moving the middle and lower energizers, protecting the liver and protecting the liver, and it is aimed at the viscera itself.

Long-term blockages such as breast nodules are often accompanied by anger. In other cases, soaking the roots and leaves together can not only clear the fire, but also nourish the liver and stomach, and the effect of recuperation will be better.

How to use dandelion? A small tea— —Dandelion Rose Tea.

The root of breast nodules lies in the “liver”, so if you want targeted conditioning, you can drink this “dandelion + rose + tangerine peel” combination tea, which can both knot, and can sort out liver qi.

1. Rose: manages the liver , Resolve congestion

The aroma of roses is strong, but not turbid, and it will not be too hot to hurt the body fluid. It is good at reconciling liver qi and dredging the stasis in the body. It is the fastest-acting and mildest ingredient in Qi-regulating medicines.

For the discomfort of liver qi in breast nodules, it is recommended to choose rose corolla. Its aroma is mellow, and it has a strong ability to move and go up. Among all the forms of roses, the effect of soothing the liver is the best.

2. Chenpi: soothes the liver and strengthens the spleen

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Tangerine peel is one of the most well-known ingredients in spleen strengthening. But compared with millet, yam, and sweet potato, the spleen of tangerine peel is more suitable for girls who are prone to qi stagnation.

“Upgraded version” of breast nodules should also be heated with Wendan Decoction

If you belong to the second type of “upgraded version” “Breast nodules, in addition to drinking tea, you also need to reduce phlegm. The reason is that only by dissolving the visible phlegm-dampness can the spleen qi resume its operation, help the circulation of qi and blood, and thus disperse the blood stasis.

For friends with phlegm-dampness, soaking once every other day for a month will have a good effect.

In addition, there is another useful ancient practice: Baduan Jin

Ba Duan Jin, and Taijiquan, meditation, standing Like the pile, it belongs to a kind of “Daoying”. The so-called Daoyin means “Guiding Qi to make peace, and pulling up to make you soft”, which can guide our blood to run and make our body softer and more comfortable.

When the ancients practiced it, the primary emphasis was “relaxation and tranquility”, that is, to maintain physical and mental relaxation. This state itself is difficult to achieve by itself, so we can also relax our mind and body through three simple steps.

①Step 1: Click on the Tanzhong Point

Shanzhong Point is the Qihui Point, the place where Zong Qi gathers. Blocks the attack of evil qi and announces the role of righteous qi.

Friends with breast nodules have stagnant qi in the chest, and pressing the Tanzhong point will have a very strong pain. But as long as this stagnant qi is dissipated, the whole body will relax a lot.

When I press, I prefer to apply a little bergamot essential oil first, which has a particularly strong qi-moving ability. When massaging in this way, a refreshing breath will penetrate the skin, and you can obviously feel the stagnant air is flowing again.

②Step 2: Listen to the music of “Jiao” tune

In “Lingshu·Xieke”, mix the palace, business, angle The five sounds of , zheng, and feathers match the five internal organs. Among them, the tone of “Jiao” is the tone of spring, which belongs to wood.

Therefore, when playing Baduanjin, you can also play some horn-tuned music, and use the music to ease your emotions and adjust your liver qi.