Thyroid nodules are weak and do not like to move, doctor: these reasons cause, give you 3 suggestions

I once saw a 30-year-old female patient in the outpatient clinic with a grade 2 thyroid nodule. There was no major physical problem, but she was so weak that she seemed to have no strength to eat. none. I saw her in the afternoon, she said she didn’t eat lunch, but I saw her chewing a piece of biscuits, obviously it was two or three mouthfuls, she just had to divide it several times before swallowing. Even speaking, it seems to have used a lot of force. Her appeal is to make herself up.

“Spiritual Pivot · Ben Zang”: “The five internal organs are those who store the spirit, blood, qi and soul.” Of course, the five internal organs refer to the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. Among them, the liver is the root of the extreme, “stop” and “fatigue”, the meaning of fatigue, that is to say, the liver is the home of the soul, in charge of stretching the muscles and veins, and resisting fatigue, which is the foundation of motor function.

What is the cause of fatigue?

Void is exhausting. The “Nei Jing” says: “Essential qi deprivation leads to deficiency”. Most of the deficiency syndromes are mainly caused by acquired disorders and disease consumption. Therefore, internal injuries such as food injury, sadness, drinking injury, labor injury, and even various chronic diseases are mostly deficiency syndromes.

Simply put, the following four situations will deprive the body of the essence, leading to the depletion of the essence, which can take advantage of the opportunity to enter the internal organs.

1. Eating injury. Food is easy to understand, that is, you don’t pay attention to eating or eat things that hurt your body. Some foods that are more violent may not be eaten and you will feel uncomfortable immediately. For example, the spicy stimulation is beyond the range of the body’s gastrointestinal tract. After taking a few bites, you will feel flustered and a burning sensation in your stomach.

2. Drink injury. Drinking water is not only tea, soup, pulp, wine, but also ice cubes and spring water. Just like eating, drinking is also about moderation and varies from person to person. Different groups of people should drink reasonably according to their own conditions and needs. The simplest example is drinking. , such as infants and young children, people with chronic diseases and people who have taken anti-inflammatory drugs such as cephalosporins, they need to stay away.

3. Sadness. We have repeatedly emphasized the impact of emotions on the body. The changes in a person’s emotions reflect his attitude towards external affairs. We encounter various things in work, study, and life, which sometimes make people happy, sometimes It makes people sad, sometimes angry, and sometimes frightened, but no matter what kind of emotion it is, it must be kept within a certain limit. Insufficient or excessive will cause harm to the body, especially those pessimistic and negative negative emotions. Therefore, we must strive to self-regulate, so as to “have no trouble with thoughts, and take tranquility as our mission”.

4. Overwork injury. Overwork injury is a state of physical and mental fatigue caused by overwork in daily work and life. In the long run, people’s muscles, bones and muscles will be damaged. Therefore, we should pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and exercise moderately.

What are the symptoms of physical weakness?

Exhibits fatigue, lethargy, lazy speech, etc. The prominent features are: the limbs are extremely weak, even almost painful, do not want to move, accompanied by chills, timidity, dark complexion, lack of claws and nails, pale tongue, weak pulse.

Therefore, in order to treat extreme fatigue, first of all, the liver yang must be raised and the liver is full of vitality. Secondly, the liver stores blood, the spleen is the source of qi and blood biochemistry, and the kidneys and liver essence and blood are intertwined. Therefore, in treatment, it is necessary to replenish qi essence from the perspective of tonifying the spleen and kidney, so that the excitement of liver yang can be attached.

So what are the things that can replenish Jingyiyang?

In fact, there are many, here I will briefly introduce two kinds of Chinese herbal medicines.

1. Agrimony is bitter, pungent and flat, and it also enters the lungs and spleen. It is a popular herbal medicine on the Internet in recent years. This is a powerful net red, tonic and can stop bleeding. It can control some bleeding conditions of cancer, such as leukemia bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, etc., thus correcting and tonifying deficiency.

2. Wei Lingxian is acrid, salty and warm, which can disperse stasis, break blood and remove blood stasis, disperse the five internal organs, and remove wind, cold and dampness, and condense the meridians. In addition, Wei Lingxian is compatible with the spirit spleen of Quzhangcao Xian, which is especially good for dredging collaterals, benefiting joints, and improving physical strength. The liver controls the tendons and is the foundation of motor function, and the muscles and bones move smoothly, which is also an indication of the vitality of the liver.

In addition, you can also eat some black sesame seeds and lily. It helps digestion, and is well-known for its efficacy in Ufa and beauty. Lily has the effects of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, clearing the heart and soothing the mind, and nourishing the liver. Benefits.