Worrying and worrying, do you also have such confusion?

In today’s society, people’s work and life are under great pressure. Not only are they prone to physical problems, but also mental injuries.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the heart stores the mind and the spleen governs thinking, and the mind is troubled by overwork. insufficient.

Deficiency of the heart and spleen can also lead to low libido and erectile dysfunction.

Recently, a middle-aged male patient with heart and spleen deficiency was admitted to the outpatient clinic.

The patient is a 46-year-old manager. He is usually busy with work and under great pressure. He has recently lost his energy. Frigid libido, the penis is prone to weakness, and the X life cannot be carried out normally. It has been 2 months without morning erection, usually easy to fatigue, dizzy and swollen, often wake up in the middle of the night, insomnia and dreamy, easily flustered and upset, mood swings, poor appetite, defecation once every 1-2 days, dark tongue with thin coating Tooth marks, fine pulse.

According to the patient’s condition, this is caused by anxiety and depression, and damage to the heart and spleen. The diagnosis is: heart and spleen deficiency, Yang WEI.

In the treatment, it is appropriate to nourish the heart and spleen.

The doctor recommends that the patient take traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning for a period of time, and strengthen the exercise. It is recommended that they eat less spicy food, do not smoke and drink, maintain a good attitude, do not stress too much, and Have a good life routine.

After a period of conditioning and regular life, the patient’s symptoms improved significantly, his mood was stable, his upset and flustered had disappeared, his penile erection had recovered a lot, and he was satisfied with his life during the period of taking the medicine. The quality is much better than before. At the follow-up visit, the symptoms have disappeared.