Which is more important, education or experience, talk about your opinion

are all important, and the importance of different stages is different. Education has a certain impact on job hunting, especially for fresh graduates or young people who have just entered the workforce. The recruitment requirements of many units will clearly state the requirements for academic qualifications. Simply put, education is the stepping stone. Some people may think that ability is more important than diploma. But how can you tell what you’re capable of until you don’t have a great professional resume? At this time, a diploma is important information to prove yourself, and it is also a point that many employers value when recruiting employees. At least a diploma can know your academic qualifications, professional knowledge, and learning attitude.

Nowadays, many people think that education is inferior to experience, but the fact is that a person’s education often directly determines what kind of platform he can have and what kind of development he can have. “Educational degree” is just a piece of paper, but this piece of paper represents your past, it is the embodiment of your learning ability, and it is your stepping stone to high income. Many people without education have spent a few years of crazy youth not studying, in exchange for a lifetime of humility. It is not necessarily the level of education that determines the income, but the continuous learning and progress, and the continuous improvement and realization of professional ability.

So in such an era of knowledge realization, how to achieve continuous appreciation by improving learning ability? First of all, read more books, learn from the experience of others, and prevent stepping on pits. Then, turn capabilities into income. Even if you don’t have a beautiful degree, you must have a beautiful experience and constantly strive for a higher income. Life is a marathon. Having a good degree means it’s easier to get started, but the one who has the last laugh must be the one who keeps working hard!