The woman suffered from repeated pregnancy and repeated injuries, and the classic Chinese medicine used this formula to adjust and supplement the Chong Ren to help conceive

In today’s text, I want to talk to you about how a woman prepares for pregnancy after a miscarriage.

With the development of modern society, miscarriage has become less unfamiliar. It may be because you are young and ignorant, or you may not be ready, or you are not well prepared for pregnancy. Many people choose abortion. Of course, there are also spontaneous abortions due to physical reasons.

Abortion is divided into “human abortion” and “medicated abortion”. Many people who do not know enough may say that medical abortion is simple, does not need to go to the operating table, and causes less harm ; In fact, in reality, the proportion of subsequent curettage and curettage due to incomplete abortion is quite large.

So whether it is “human abortion” or “medical abortion”, as well as spontaneous abortion, it is very harmful to the mother. I have encountered such a patient in the outpatient clinic, who repeatedly became pregnant and miscarried. Later, when he really wanted to have a child, he couldn’t conceive, so he sought medical treatment and hoped for traditional Chinese medicine.

Speaking of this, I think of a patient, Ms. Wei, who got married at the age of 30. Because of her work, she had two abortions within a year of marriage, and she has not used contraceptives or conceived since then.

I usually have dizziness, tinnitus, and weak waist and legs. Menstrual abdominal pain, lower abdominal pain and other symptoms, menstruation once every 30 to 40 days, less menstrual blood, dark color, no blood clots, 5 days clean. The tongue is normal, the coating is thin and white, and the pulse is weak, especially the chi pulse.

After diagnosing her condition, she prepared Shen Yulin Decoction for her, and good news came after three follow-up visits.

The composition is roughly as follows: Ligustrum lucidum, raspberry, Schisandra chinensis, antler slices, Ziheche, Dodder, Cornus meat, Morinda officinalis, Amomum, Astragalus, Angelica, Chuanxiong, Shudi, Baishao.

The symptoms are basically reduced after the drug, so if you have the same situation, you should know: Ms. Wei suffered from 2 induced abortions, and the injury was so severe. Therefore, the most active treatment should be early. In the process of improvement, the addition of flesh-and-blood products such as Ziheche, Lujiao Pian, and Siwu Decoction to nourish the kidney, nourish the blood and activate the blood circulation, to tonify the extraordinary meridians and make the cell network unobstructed, so the conception will be easier.