Rehabilitation exercises for scoliosis in patients with Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease patients are prone to scoliosis in the middle and late stages of the disease process, and they cannot stand upright completely. Scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformity of the spine, with more than 10° of lateral curvature in the coronal plane, or simultaneous distortion of the spine and thoracic cross-section, and sagittal plane abnormalities.

Scoliosis can be divided into three degrees. First-degree scoliosis is due to muscle weakness or fatigue, and the deformity can disappear with active or passive traction. In the second degree of scoliosis, the ligaments and muscles have contracted. Corrective gymnastics can lengthen the shortened muscles and ligaments on the concave side; strengthen the strength of the elongated muscles on the convex side, so that the scoliosis can be gradually corrected. When the third degree scoliosis is accompanied by morphological changes of bone and cartilage, the effect of corrective gymnastics is not obvious.

Principle of corrective gymnastics: the concave side muscles and ligaments are pulled, the convex side muscles are contracted, and the movement is in the middle The direction of the formed scoliosis is opposite to that of the original scoliosis; • Selectively strengthen the muscles of the spine to maintain posture, adjust the muscle balance on both sides of the spine, so as to achieve the purpose of correcting the deformity; • Use the sacrospinous muscle on the convex side , abdominal muscles, psoas major, quadratus lumborum as the training focus.

1, front, back crawl or prostrate loop span>

Patient in elbow-knee or knee-chest position;•prostrate When the right side of the thoracolumbar segment is convex, the left arm should be stretched forward and rightward as far as possible when crawling, while the right knee and right hip should be flexed and moved forward as much as possible, while the right arm and left leg should be moved forward as far as possible. Then follow, but not beyond the left arm and right leg. (The left side of the thoracolumbar segment is convex, and the movement direction is opposite).

2, sitting sideways

The patient is in a kneeling position, with both hands raised, first with the hips to the right; then to the left Sit sideways, and practice alternately. If the left side of the thoracic and lumbar segment is convex, focus on practicing the right side sitting (increase the practice time and times). If the scoliosis is opposite, the left side is the main one.

3, head to the wall

•The patient is prone, facing the ground, shoulders abducted, elbows flexed, hands forward, head forward as far as possible, touch the wall with the head, then retract the head, and then Touch the wall and practice repeatedly to facilitate the correction of upper thoracic deformity.

4. Double arm extension or unilateral “Yan Fei”

•The patient is prone, put both hands in front of the forehead, gradually lift the arms off the ground, straighten forward, and then put the hands back in front of the forehead, repeat the practice; • extend and raise one limb, such as Try to lift the left upper limb, the shoulder girdle on the side is inclined to the right, causing the left thoracic vertebrae to be convex, so as to correct the right thoracic vertebrae convexity. • If you lift the upper and lower limbs on the convex side at the same time to form a unilateral “Yan Fei”, it is beneficial to enhance the strength of the dorsal and gluteal muscles on the convex side.

5. Sit-ups
•The patient lies on the back with the arms on the Lay flat on the mat, then sit up, flex your torso, stretch your arms forward, touch your toes with your hands, and then slowly raise your arms back up to your supine position.

6. • Leg extension< /strong>

The patient is supine, with shoulders abducted, elbows semi-flexed, palms flat on the pad, and both lower limbs extended back. Lift off the mat and cross the left and right legs up and down in a scissor motion.

8, Double or Single Leg Raise

•The patient lies supine, hands under head, lower extremities semi-flexed, feet flat on the mat, then lower extremities raised, legs forward and backward Alternate scissor movements to strengthen your psoas and abs.

9, take a deep breath and breathe slowly

< p data-track="19">The patient lies supine, with both upper limbs flat on both sides of the body, palms up, both lower limbs semi-flexed, feet flat on the pad, inhale deeply through the nostrils to expand the thorax , and then make a soft whistle, and slowly exhale the air from the mouth to increase lung capacity.

10, standing upright

The patient stands with the feet parallel to the wall, the shoulders and hips are pressed against the wall, and the head, neck and spine are as straight as possible. Maintain correct torso posture.

Patients who fail to achieve better correction through the above corrective gymnastics can also undergo electrical stimulation therapy, wear orthopedic aids, Traction or even surgical treatment achieves orthopedic goals. But the best treatment method is prevention. When the scoliosis is mild in the early stage, it is conscious to correct the bad posture through self-exercise to prevent the scoliosis from getting worse. I hope the above content can help all Parkinson’s patients!