What fruit to eat in spring?

1. Citrus

1. Citrus is a fruit in autumn and winter. The flowering period is from April to May, and the fruit period is from October to December. Generally, the harvest is carried out from October every year to February-March of the following year.

2. Mulberries

1. The flowering period of mulberries is from March to May, and the fruit period is from May to June. They are generally harvested around April-June of each year. The fruit is oblong or oval, about 1-2.5cm in length, green at first ripeness, and red or black-purple when ripe.

Three, strawberries

1. If it is a strawberry planted in spring, it usually matures around June to August every year. reward. If it is a strawberry planted in autumn, it is generally ripe and harvested around January to March of the second year. Strawberries are harvested every 2 days or so when they are ripe.

Four. Green jujube

1. Green jujube is generally around from December to March of the second year. Mature harvest, the growth cycle is about 4-7 months.

V. Litchi

The flowering period of lychee is spring and the fruiting period is summer. Most varieties are concentrated in 6-7 Mature in the month, but there are also some early-maturing varieties that can be listed in advance, such as March Red, which is generally mature and listed in the late March of the lunar calendar every year, which is the earliest mature variety. Round branches, generally mature in late May or early June.

Six. Loquat

1. The flowering period of loquat is from October to December, and the fruit period is from May to June.