Vitiligo treatment has seen the effect, but it suddenly spreads again, what should I do?

Some patients and our doctors complained: I was diagnosed with vitiligo, and the vitiligo disappeared after a period of treatment, but the vitiligo has spread recently, what should I do? Vitiligo in the end Can it be cured?

In fact, the disappearance of the vitiligo does not mean that the vitiligo will be cured. Many netizens ask, why is it okay? And spread again, The main reasons are as follows:

01Root The problem is not solved: The elimination of vitiligo is only the goal of external treatment for vitiligo, and it is necessary to restore the blood circulation, immune system, endocrine system, etc. to normal form.

02 Melanocyte function is not fully restored: Melanocyte function may still be partially If it is missing, the leukoplakia will reappear when the treatment is stopped.

03 Predisposing factors still exist: Vitiligo can be induced by a variety of factors, If the predisposing factors still exist, vitiligo will recur.

Vitiligo should be treated scientifically to avoid repeated spread

In the treatment of any disease, it is often heard that symptomatic treatment and symptomatic medication are required. Having said that, such confusion often arises in the treatment of vitiligo: what is considered symptomatic? Does the patient also need symptomatic treatment during treatment? What can be done about the symptoms? Different patients will have different ideas, and thus fall into various misunderstandings. However, in fact, patients should pay attention to some matters in the treatment of vitiligo, which can be symptomatic or assist doctors in symptomatic treatment.

1. Understand that treatment cannot be blinded, In the symptomatic treatment of vitiligo, patients It is easy to deviate from the “track of symptomatic treatment” because of blind treatment, such as finding some home remedies for treatment, but not knowing that even after treatment, the vitiligo of the skin will not be improved after a period of time. There are various problems such as blind treatment in the treatment, mainly because the patient does not know about vitiligo before treatment. Patients should understand and know the particularity of vitiligo, and believe that the real treatment is not blind through targeted treatment programs.

2. To know the symptom, you must first understand the condition, The “symptom” in the symptom , in the treatment of vitiligo can be the cause, condition and so on. Therefore, in order to treat vitiligo, it is necessary to first understand the specific cause and condition. Treat according to the individual’s disease site and personal constitution, and correctly understand the condition of vitiligo, and avoid random treatment that will lead to the ineffectiveness of vitiligo treatment. Such as the spread of vitiligo, in addition to skin damage, other complications may occur, and doctors need to give symptomatic treatment according to the patient’s condition. The traditional Chinese medicine treatment of vitiligo promotes the production of melanocytes and accelerates the recoloration of vitiligo by soothing the liver and relieving depression, promoting blood circulation and removing wind, nourishing the liver and benefiting the kidney, and regulating immunity. Commonly used Chinese medicine treatment methods include traditional Chinese medicine treatment or medicated bath treatment. The treatment method is used to improve the patient’s blood circulation, regulate autoimmunity, and thus promote the absorption of drugs. A good therapeutic effect can be achieved.

3. Intensive care, Care is an important part of vitiligo treatment throughout The nursing during treatment can speed up the synthesis of melanocytes, shorten the treatment time, and the nursing after the treatment can consolidate the treatment results, stabilize the skin melanin to avoid recurrence, and it is very important to strengthen the nursing.