Must-see knowledge! The latest health care guide for men

The latest issue of Men’s Health magazine notes that strength and flexibility are essential for healthy men, but exercise isn’t easy. If you don’t know where to start, start with these poses, which the American Academy of Sports Medicine points out not only work your muscles all over your body, but are also effective in reducing your risk of heart disease.

Action 1: Bend your knees and bend over

Bend your feet together, bend your body down, and slowly bend your knees until you feel until there is pressure on the back. Clasp your arms together and take a deep breath. At this point, the body will have a fluttering feeling, relax the head, neck and shoulders, breathe slowly, slowly swing the body, or gently shake the head, hold for a minute, and return to the standing position.

Function: Exercise leg strength and lower blood pressure.

Action 2: Sit on an empty chair

Stand straight, feet together, palms facing each other, arms raised up along the head, head Lean back, bend your knees as you inhale, and sit as if you were sitting in a chair without letting your knees go over your toes. Every time you inhale, keep your chest and abdomen tight, and every time you exhale, sit down a little, bear the pressure on your back, and hold it for half a minute.

Function: Strengthen legs and reduce belly fat.

Action 3: Step Squat

Step forward with your left leg, squat down, place your hands by your sides, and place your right knee on your left Heel, inhale, slowly lift your left leg for a minute, then repeat switching legs.

Function: Relax hip muscles and reduce sports injuries.

Action 4: Swing the body from side to side

Take a big step forward with the right foot, squat down, inhale, palms facing each other, arms Go up, lean your shoulders back, keep your front leg still, swing your body from side to side, keep your front leg and knee below your toes, hold for a minute, then switch legs and repeat.

Function: Enhance the strength of the upper and lower limbs, exercise the flexibility of the shoulders and hips, and enhance the stability of the knees.

Action 5: Bend your knees and raise your hips

Bend your knees, reach your hands to your heels, and place your arms on your sides On the floor, palms down, exhale to lift your hips for 45 seconds, repeat 3 times.

Action: Relax tight muscles and enhance lung capacity.

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