Does sweating more make weight loss better?

Many people think that when you lose weight, the more you sweat, the better, but this is not the case. For puffy friends, sweating can play a role in adjusting the body’s water metabolism.

The reason why we sweat when we exercise is because the body’s metabolism will speed up, producing more heat and metabolites, water and carbon dioxide, which the body releases through sweating Excessive heat is released to maintain a normal body temperature.

For weight loss caused by sweating after exercise, it is only temporary. It is the water in the body that is reduced, not fat. After exercise, the weight will return to normal after replenishing water.

And after sweating a lot, we must replenish water in time, otherwise dehydration will occur.

Generally speaking, our weight loss exercise is nothing more than two kinds: aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise includes swimming, jogging, cycling, etc., which are used to enhance cardiopulmonary function; anaerobic exercise includes gravity training, plank support, sit-ups, etc., which are mainly used to exercise muscle endurance.

No matter which exercise is performed alone, its weight loss effect is not ideal. Only by combining aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise and diet can it effectively assist weight loss and achieve fat burning. Slimming effect.