Why is “uremia” increasing? The doctor said frankly: It’s not tobacco and alcohol, most of them are caused by these three things!

The prevalence of chronic kidney disease among adults in my country has reached 10.8%. Among them, the total number of patients with chronic renal failure is estimated to be about 1 million. The end stage of chronic renal failure is “uremia”.


Do you often “hold back your pee”?

The kidney is an indispensable and important organ of the human body. It is a powerful “purifier”. By excreting urine, it can remove metabolic waste and harmful substances that enter the human body. Electrolytes and acid-base balance.

However, such powerful kidneys are easily injured.


Why “uremia” is increasing?

The doctor said frankly: It’s not tobacco and alcohol, most of them are caused by 3 things!

Habit 1: I like to eat heavy food

As the saying goes: Disease comes from the mouth, and the same is true for kidney disease. The high incidence of kidney disease in modern people is mostly related to eating too much. I believe that takeout, snacks, fried chicken, hamburgers, cola, etc. are all essential in modern life. It consists of less “three meals”, and there is no shortage of high salt, high fat, and high protein in it.

The kidneys are afraid of salt. Excessive intake of salt can easily induce high blood pressure, and high blood pressure will increase the blood flow of the kidneys and damage the kidneys.

Long-term intake of high-protein substances is also extremely harmful to kidney function, because after protein is metabolized in the human body, wastes such as urea will be produced, which need to be excreted by the kidneys. If the kidney function is not good, excess urea will accumulate in the kidney, which is not good for the kidney.

Habit 2: Chronic diseases drag on for too long

Uremia does not happen overnight. Many chronic diseases are the precursors of uremia, such as high blood pressure, high uric acid and high blood sugar, which are all the fuses of uremia.

The increase of blood sugar in the body of diabetic patients will destroy the stable filtration system of the kidneys, increase the burden on the kidneys, and fail to properly clean up the substances in the body, resulting in some useful substances such as protein may be filtered into the urine, while the useless creatinine, Urea, etc., is left in the blood.

At this time, uremia will be aggravated and the disease will intensify.

If the body’s blood pressure remains high for a long time, over time, the disease will progress seriously and eventually lead to renal fibrosis.

Habit 3: Staying up late, holding back urine

Staying up late and holding back urine are the two most serious behaviors that damage the kidneys. Surveys show that more than half of nephritis patients are related to long-term fatigue. When people are in a state of fatigue and work stress, it is easy to cause the body to resist Decreased ability can lead to bacterial and viral infections and aggravate kidney damage.

In addition, holding back urine for a long time can easily lead to continuous high pressure in the kidneys, bladder, etc. in the body, resulting in bilateral hydronephrosis. If not treated in time, it will eventually damage kidney function and cause uremia.


Pain in these 3 parts is likely to be a signal of uremia

Sometimes, the symptoms of the disease are obvious, but sometimes they are not. It may be too late when it is discovered, which is a pity.

The pain in the three parts mentioned below may be caused by uremia. Of course, it is not that “with these symptoms, it is equivalent to having uremia.” These symptoms are not the official diagnostic criteria for uremia. Please don’t panic.

I just want to remind everyone not to ignore any physical discomfort.

1. Low back pain

Traditional Chinese medicine says: The waist is the home of the kidneys. If the kidneys are not good, it will be manifested in the waist.

If uremia occurs, people will feel abnormal low back pain. This is because the kidneys cannot excrete toxins in time. The burden on the body and kidneys is very heavy, and the kidneys cannot cope with it, so the phenomenon of low back pain occurs.

2. Pain in urination

Painful urination refers to a burning sensation in the urethra when urinating. If a person who has urinated smoothly in the past suddenly has abnormal symptoms such as dysuria, it may be a kidney problem.

Because the body will excrete harmful substances and toxins through urine, and the kidneys are an important organ to decompose toxins. If it is an early stage of uremia, pain may occur when urinating, because the kidneys have been damaged and the toxins are large, and the urine Difficult to discharge in time.

3, headache

The damage of renal function will affect the whole body. Clinically, patients with uremia often have headaches, drowsiness, fatigue and other feelings. This is mainly because of the influence of toxins, the human brain nerve cells will be damaged, which will lead to the patient’s symptoms. Headache, etc.

Prevent uremia and keep your kidneys healthy!

One day: drink water frequently

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “the kidney is the dirty water” and is the regulating center of life activities. Healthy drinking water can help replenish the body’s water and promote the discharge of toxins. Drink some health tea regularly, the effect is better.

Two checks

1. Creatinine

Creatinine reflects the degree of damage to glomerular filtration function to a certain extent. If the renal parenchyma is damaged, the glomerular filtration rate will decrease, resulting in a sharp increase in creatinine.

2. urea nitrogen (BUN)

Burea nitrogen is a metabolite of human protein, which is mainly excreted in the urine through glomerular filtration. If the renal parenchyma is damaged, the glomerular filtration rate decreases, which increases the blood urea nitrogen.

Three more

1. Actively treat the primary disease

Clinically, many pathological bases can aggravate uremia, so the factors that aggravate renal failure should be eliminated as much as possible.

For example, urinary tract obstruction should be treated in time, hypertension should be taken antihypertensive drugs, and electrolyte balance disturbance should be corrected in time.

2. Do more exercise to enhance immunity

A moderate amount of exercise can improve the body’s immunity, promote the body’s metabolism, and also accelerate blood circulation, which is conducive to the discharge of toxins.

Tai Chi can be practiced every day, which is beneficial to strengthen the functions of the two kidneys and the gate of life, enrich the kidney essence, and make the yang qi prosperous.

3, rub the heart to replenish vitality

A person’s vitality depends on the sufficiency of kidney essence. Frequent rubbing of the soles of the feet can induce blood to descend, warm the kidneys and help the yang, and improve symptoms such as soreness and weakness of the waist and knees, and general fatigue.

Foot heart is the location of Yongquan acupoint, which is often pressed to strengthen the kidneys and strengthen the body.

(High Quality Living Home)