Heavy! Kunming is about to pilot “see a doctor first and pay later”

Original title: Heavy! Kunming is about to launch a pilot program of “see a doctor first and then pay later”

On February 26, the reporter learned from the Kunming Municipal Medical Security Bureau that at the end of March, Kunming will launch a pilot program of “seeing a doctor on credit”. Explore the convenient service model of “see a doctor first and pay later”, which is also one of the “10 Practical Things to Benefit the People” determined by Kunming in 2022.

Simply put, “Treatment with credit” means “payment after seeing a doctor”. Or by signing a contract on the hospital’s WeChat platform, you can get a certain amount of medical treatment. After the registration, examination, treatment, and drug purchase are all completed, the financial institution will pay the fee.

Yan Xiaoling, director of the Kunming Medical Insurance Bureau, said that in the future, people can go to see a doctor even if they don’t have money on them. On the basis of medical insurance reimbursement, the remaining part is guaranteed by the financial institution. After seeing the medical treatment, the money can be returned to the financial institution within the specified time.

In the past, when patients went to the hospital to see a doctor, more than half of their time was spent queuing up for payment. In the process, there is no need to perform any additional payment actions, which truly realizes non-inductive payment. The data shows that about 95% of the patients in other cities in China who have implemented the “Credit Medical Treatment” can pass the credit evaluation in the medical field, which ensures the inclusiveness of the project.

Currently, Kunming First People’s Hospital, No. The Second People’s Hospital, Yan’an Hospital, Children’s Hospital, and Kunming Tongren Hospital have become the first batch of “Credit Medical Treatment” pilot hospitals.Related data sharing, port docking and other work are being carried out as soon as possible, and it is expected to be piloted at the end of March.

The approved quota for “Credit Medical Treatment” is 1000-8000 yuan, interest-free period For 56 days, will benefit medical insurance participants aged 18 to 60. Citizens above this age group can share the “credit medical treatment” quota with their insured relatives through the family payment function. It is understood that during the year, 20 designated hospital outpatient clinics in Kunming will gradually realize “payment after seeing a doctor”, providing “credit medical treatment” service for 100,000 medical insurance participants.