Too scary: man sleeps snoring and breathing “pauses” for two minutes Doctor reminds: snoring does not mean sound sleep!

Yangtze Evening News Network, February 27th (correspondent Ding Huazhen, Fan Lijun, reporter Zhu Dingzhao) I snorted and suffocated when I was sleeping. Sometimes I was afraid of people. A citizen of Huai’an, Cheng, not only snorted and suffocated, but also lasted up to 2 minutes. Because of poor sleep, Coupled with snoring, 6 sleeping pills a night can barely sleep for about three hours. Fortunately, after treatment by the Sleep (Medical) Center of Huaian Third People’s Hospital, now I can sleep peacefully for 8 or 9 hours every night. Will be discharged home.

The man paused for two minutes while sleeping and snoring.

According to Mr. Cheng, three years ago, after the fracture operation, he gradually developed poor sleep, which was characterized by difficulty falling asleep, waking up early, usually at two or three in the morning, and it was difficult to fall back asleep after waking up. When I don’t have time, I’m cranky and irritable. I can only barely sleep for about three hours by relying on 6 sleeping pills every night. I’m upset and in pain during the day.

According to Mr. Cheng, his wife had to share a bed with him because of the loud snoring, and his daughter could hear his snoring next door. After arriving at the Third People’s Hospital of Huai’an City, the medical and nursing technical team headed by Professor Li Gongying conducted a comprehensive assessment of the situation. In order to further clarify the diagnosis and guide the treatment, the expert team suggested that Cheng should undergo sleep monitoring. Monitoring showed that his sleep structure was disordered, the apnea-hypopnea index was 42, and the longest apnea was 120 seconds, which was in line with the performance of severe obstructive sleep apnea. According to Cheng’s condition, he was given ventilator-assisted ventilation therapy. On the night of wearing it, Cheng felt that his sleep was significantly improved. After cooperating with cognitive-behavioral therapy, physical therapy and other treatment methods, Cheng has slept for nearly 9 hours. He is very happy and satisfied. He has expressed his gratitude to the staff many times and will be discharged from the hospital.

Cheng said that he used to think that snoring was a sign of sound sleep, and that the louder the sound, the better the sleep, but he did not expect it to be the complete opposite. Under the guidance of the doctor, he has now mastered a lot of sleep health knowledge, claiming that after returning home, he will tell his story to more friends who are troubled by insomnia, hoping that they will get professional help.

Lou Yan, deputy director of the laboratory of the Sleep Medicine Center of the Third Hospital of Huai’an City, said that the medical term for snoring is called snoring, because the muscles of the tongue and pharynx relax slightly when a person is sleeping. The airway in the pharynx narrows, and when air passes through the narrowed airway, the muscles vibrate to cause the sound. If the muscles relax too much or the elasticity of nearby muscles is reduced, the airway may be partially or completely blocked. Mild obstruction can cause common snoring, while severe obstruction can lead to sleep apnea syndrome. There are many reasons for the blockage, such as fat or swollen tonsils squeezing the throat wall, aging leading to decreased throat muscle tone, etc.

She reminded that apnea is very harmful to the human body. Long-term nighttime sleep with hypoxia and repeated sleep awakening will affect the human body’s circulatory system, including the state of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, resulting in cerebral embolism, cerebral hemorrhage, and myocardial infarction at night. Severe cases can also lead to anxiety and depression, and even shortened life expectancy and sudden death. She said that patients with apnea syndrome can basically restore healthy sleep after scientifically planned treatment.

Proofreading Su Yun