Vegetarian diet with high blood lipids? Can red wine and vinegar soften blood vessels? Demystifying the three misunderstandings of cardiovascular disease

Are you cardiovascular health? With the changes in the social environment and lifestyle, cardiovascular disease has gradually become a common health obstacle for contemporary people.

Medical survey data show that from the 20th to 21st centuries, cardiovascular disease mortality in developed countries has increased from 10% of the global total mortality rate To 50%, developing countries also increased to 25%.

The “China Cardiovascular Disease Report 2018” pointed out that the mortality rate of cardiovascular diseases in China is rising rapidly, which is the current total number of deaths due to diseases among Chinese residents. At present, it is estimated that there are 290 million patients with cardiovascular disease, and the incidence rate of people over 60 years old is as high as 27.8%. At one point it exceeded the rate of gross national product.

Facing the increasingly severe burden of cardiovascular disease, ordinary people still lack due attention to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. The rumors about blood vessels have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The key to breaking the game may start from refuting rumors!

Can a vegetarian diet lower blood lipids?

The controversy between vegetarianism and meat-eating has existed since ancient times. In the past few years, fitness enthusiasts regarded vegetarianism as a divine order, convinced that vegetarianism would help For fitness, in recent years, some celebrities who advocate vegetarianism have even advocated the idea of ​​vegetarianism and longevity.

However, these views eventually disappeared in the bombardment of netizens, but there are still some people who firmly believe that vegetarianism can lower blood lipids.

Blood lipids refer to lipids in plasma, and lipids are the collective name for lipid compounds, such as: triglycerides, phospholipids, sugars Fats, sterols and steroids, etc., of which triglycerides and cholesterol are the main components.

There are generally two sources of blood lipids in the human body, namely endogenous and exogenous. As the name suggests, endogenous refers to the human body. Self-synthesized lipids, while exogenous refers to lipids absorbed from the outside world, the main way of which is food.

From a medical point of view, factors that can cause changes in human blood lipid levels include diet, physiological Causes (pregnancy, menstruation, strenuous exercise), pathological causes (trauma, stroke) and drug effects, etc..

Diet is the most common cause of changes in blood lipid levels, but unlike popular impressions, changes in blood lipid levels are not necessarily related to meat. Or not necessarily just about meat.

As mentioned above, exogenous lipids in food or matrices capable of synthesizing lipids can also cause blood lipids after being absorbed by the human body. Changes in the level of blood, so do not eat meat, only vegetarian may not achieve the purpose of controlling blood lipids, or even lowering blood lipids.

Becauserefined carbohydrate foods such as steamed bread, white rice, bread and biscuits can also cause elevated blood lipids, However, the fish in meat is beneficial to control blood lipids. It can be seen that the diet should also be dialectical and cannot be “one size fits all”.

In life, if you want to prevent hyperlipidemia, you can adjust the diet structure and appropriately increase the intake of vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, whole grains and beans. Proportion.

However, high cholesterol is related to genetic factors. If you need treatment, please consult a professional doctor at a regular hospital, and do not take medication without authorization. In addition, changes in blood lipids are also related to tobacco and alcohol, and it is the best policy to quit smoking and alcohol in time.

Can red wine, vinegar and other foods soften blood vessels?

Red wine and vinegar can soften blood vessels. This is a widely circulated statement, and people generally agree with it, but from a scientific point of view, this view is obvious It’s not true, it’s just a rumor.

At the end of the last century, a scholar named Dipak Kumar Das claimed to have discovered a polyphenolic antioxidant called resveratrol in red wine. Alcohol has the effect of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Since then, the saying that red wine softens blood vessels has swept the earth and has become a “savior”.

Unfortunately, this scholar did not succeed. In 2012, the University of Connecticut removed him in the name of academic fraud, and a large number of his research results were Obsolete, the idea that resveratrol softens blood vessels has also been questioned, and since the amount of resveratrol in red wine is extremely small, it is deeply skeptical.

Until 2018, the authoritative medical journal The Lancet confirmed that there is no safe amount of alcohol consumption, One drop is enough to hurt people, and this statement shatters the conclusion that red wine softens blood vessels.

As we all know, vinegar is weakly acidic. Many people think that vinegar can dissolve calcium such as eggshells and fish bones. So much jealousy makes the vinegar absorbed by the human body. Will it soften the blood vessels later? This statement is also wrong.

The human body is indeed weakly alkaline. A moderate amount of jealousy is good for the human body, but the human body’s The pH has a self-regulating balance mechanism. A lot of jealousy may not break the balance. On the contrary, it may hurt the stomach due to the corrosiveness of vinegar.

If you want to truly protect your cardiovascular system and prevent cardiovascular disease, you must first quit smoking and drinking, and then you must be regular. Sexual exercise, generally maintaining 30-60 minutes of aerobic exercise 3 to 5 times a week, can help improve immunity and stimulate one’s own vitality.

Finally, if certain damage and symptoms have occurred in the cardiovascular system, you must seek medical attention immediately, treat it through regular channels, and then use food and other methods after recovery. To aid prognosis, do not delusionally fight the disease with food or other unsafe methods.

Have a family history of heart disease, will you have heart disease?

There are many types of heart disease, and its heritability cannot be generalized. Different types of heart disease have different genetic risks. The main causes are as follows: associated.

However, some highly inherited forms ofheart disease also “prefer” younger people, therefore, people with a history of heart disease in the family are advised to check as soon as possible or have regular physical examinations.

1. Congenital heart disease

The heritability of congenital heart disease is relatively high, and its incidence is 28% of all kinds of congenital malformations. Because some patients have no specific symptoms in the early stage, it is difficult to detect if the medical conditions are insufficient, so that a small number of patients become adults. It is very dangerous to still not find out that you have a heart attack.

2. Heart valve prolapse disease

Heart valve prolapse disease is a structural disease with low heredity. Due to the valve falling off, the heart valve is not tightly opened and closed. When regurgitation occurs, the backflow of blood into the heart will cause cardiac overload, and patients are often accompanied by Chest tightness, lower extremity edema, shortness of breath and other symptoms.

The early cure rate of this disease is high, but due to the high compensatory ability of young people, it is easy to be ignored, and the consequences are also very serious.

3. Coronary Heart Disease

The heritability of coronary heart disease is also relatively low, but it is hereditary with high-risk factors such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia. It also deserves great attention under the combined effect. If there are coronary heart disease patients in the family, hypertension and hyperlipidemia should be prevented early Blood lipids, but also to be admitted to the hospital to check for coronary heart disease.

4, infective endocarditis, viral myocarditis

Bacteria or viruses enter the blood circulation and cause an inflammatory response after reaching the heart. These two types of diseases are obviously acquired factors, and patients will also have more obvious signs, such as: chest pain, chest tightness , fever, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, etc., to seek medical treatment in time.

In addition to genetic factors, heart disease may be associated with high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Smoking, obesity and other factors are related. To prevent heart disease in life, it is necessary to stop drinking, control weight, and maintain good living habits.

With the development of the times, cardiovascular disease has become a “big boulder” in the minds of contemporary people, and it is also one of the biggest obstacles to people’s health. It is correct to pay more attention to cardiovascular diseases, but it is also necessary to scientifically refute rumors, learn to view things dialectically, and not to listen to partial beliefs and be confused by rumors.

Remind once again: the prevention and treatment of diseases must be based on the advice of professional doctors in regular hospitals and the information of authoritative platforms as a guide. A new era of health guards. #health star Program# #Health2022#


[1] “Attention! These heart disease “favor” young people”. People’s Daily Online – Guangzhou Daily. 2020-08-28

[2] “High blood lipids cause Be a vegetarian? Beware of these three misunderstandings about cardiovascular disease”. People’s Daily Online – Popular Science China. 2020-07-22

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