Dog’s tail grass is a flavored “Chinese medicine”, and boiled water can get these 3 benefits​

Foxtail grass is a very common green plant in the countryside. Especially in the lush season, it can be said that dog’s tail grass is everywhere in many places. Many people know the appearance and shape of the dog’s tail grass. Just like the name of the dog’s tail grass, it looks very like a puppy’s tail, and it may be named the dog’s tail grass very vividly.

But what many people don’t know is that in addition to being an ornamental plant, the dog’s tail grass is also Blindly Chinese Medicine. As a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, it has some medicinal functions of traditional Chinese medicine.It can help people to regulate the body and improve some diseases. It can also be used for boiled water, and it also has many benefits to the human body, let’s take a look.

First, dog tail grass is a traditional Chinese medicine

many People often see some common flowers and trees in their childhood.The dog’s tail grass is one of the most common plants that grow on the roadside or in the countryside , its shapefurry is very cute, especially like a puppy’s tail.

For this reason, its appearance makes people remember it fresh, and many people use it to play It’s very pleasing to watch and match with some decorations. But in fact, many people don’t know that it is actually a traditional Chinese medicine.

Foxtail grass can be used medicinally to treat some conditions. It has many Chinese medicinal properties. For example, dog’s tail grass has a very good therapeutic effect on people with bad eyes. Secondly, it also has very good medicinal value for people with heavy body moisturedampness. In addition, it can also play a medicinal effect on people with strong internal firerelieving fire.

And as a traditional Chinese medicine, its nature isnon-toxic , and belongs to a kind of medicine cited cooling. Its own side effects on the human body are almost negligible, but when using it, you should also pay attention to the dosage and method of use.

Because it belongs to traditional Chinese medicine, people don’t know enough about many medical aspects. When some people use this kind of traditional Chinese medicine, there will be Taboo exists. So it is not something that people can take and mix casually. The specific method of use still needs to follow the doctor’s advice of traditional Chinese medicine, and use it scientifically.

Second, the benefits of foxtail grass in boiling water

may have Some people pick the dog’s tail grass by themselves, but don’t know how they can be used. In fact, the dog’s tail grass can be used to boil water and drink. However, as a traditional Chinese medicine, dog’s tail grass cannot be drunk as you want. As a traditional Chinese medicine, it has a certain medicinal effect, and the water used to boil it will naturally play a role in some aspects of the human body.Helps< /strong>.

The first effect of using dog’s tail grass to boil and drink is that dog’s tail grass is good for cold, cold and body fever< /span> has a certain effect. It can help the human body to a certain extentRelievebody heat fever. Conducive to the recovery of bodily functions of people with colds and colds.

They havedampening and diuretic properties. To a certain extent, the boiled water of the dog’s tail grass has a great help to the moisture in the human body, and it is also a diuretic, which is beneficial to the human body to eliminate the accumulated garbage and toxins in the body. Prevent some of the physical complications of poor detoxification. It has a good effect on the body and health.

It can also promote a role in the bodyblood circulation. Blood circulation is very important to the human body. It is precisely because of the continuous circulation of blood in the body that it can promote the function of the bodyoperation .

Blood circulation not only helps the bodyclean up dust , and can also make all parts of the body receive nutritional supplements every day, making them more energetic. Just like everyone does exercise every day, blood circulation in the body is also a healthy exercise for dissipating heat and dampness in the body.

The second benefit of using foxtail to boil water is that it can also help the bodyreplenish complexion . For women, drinking foxtail grass boiled in water has the effect of nourishing the skin, which is very beneficial to people’s skin care.

There are also some people who like to have acne on their faces. At this time, if you boil some water with foxtail grass, yes It has a certain elimination and relief effect on acne on the face. Because dog’s tail grass water also has certain effectsdetoxification and beauty, and < strong>Mild, non-irritatingside effects,suitable for women.

The third effect of using foxtail grass to boil water isit is very good for human eyes repair and protection. In daily life, whether people work, study or live, use more eyes .

With age, people’s eyes will gradually decline. Some presbyopia may appear when you are old, and for students with some myopia and office workers who are prone to fatigue due to overuse of their eyes, they can all drink dog’s tail grass water in moderation /span>, can have a good effect on the eyesrelieve fatigue and protect eyesight.

Third, the method of boiling the dog’s tail grass

Then how to use the dog’s tail grass to make water What about boiling water? The method of boiling foxtail grass is relatively simple and ordinary. When people pick up the foxtail grass from the wild, it is first cleaned, and then placed in Boil in water, about half an hour or so. Finally, filteredout of the dog’s tail grass to leave only pure dog’s tail grass water, and the production is complete.

In addition, foxtail grass is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine, it can be combined with other Chinese herbal medicine to boil water< /span>, made into Chinese herbal water with other functions and curative effects. The specific function still depends on the collocation and use of Chinese medicine practitioners. Traditional Chinese medicine is a unique medical technique in China. It has few side effects on the body and has a good effect on maintaining the internal balance of the body.

Whether it is boiled with foxtail or other herbs, follow the instructionsThe scientific method. Although the side effects of traditional Chinese medicine are very small, for some people with physical limitations, it is necessary to take any drug-like ingredientsFollow the doctor’s advice . Because it may have adverse effects on the body. For example, dog’s tail grass water is cold, so it is not suitable for people with spleen and stomach deficiency.


Very common when people are young The dog’s tail grass on the side of the road, many people regard it as a kind of weed, and did not imagine such a small weed, it is also very valuablevalue. It can be used as a traditional Chinese medicine and has certain curative effects on the human body, and the ingredients are natural and have no side effects.

The small body of the dog’s tail grass also has great energy. Boiled water with foxtail grass has a good therapeutic and protective effect on the body’s fever, skin, eyes, etc. Although it is often overlooked, it is really a very good one.Chinese herbal medicine. Following medical advice, people can take fenugreek water in moderate amounts.

In ancient times, there is a story of Shennong tasting all kinds of herbs. Although in modern times, people cannot taste herbs casually, it is precisely because the ancients had this spirit of courage to try and practice that the We found the best of so many grasses. It has played a role in laying and promoting the pharmaceutical and medical fields.