Soaking fungus for a long time is easy to produce “toxin”, teach you the correct soaking method, it will fill the pot in 1 minute, and it will be big and soft

The fungus is rich in nutrients, it not only contains protein, carotene, polysaccharide, but also rich in phosphorus, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other minerals. Secondly, fungus is rich in vitamin E and a lot of dietary fiber, so fungus is known as the king of vegetarians, and it also has the reputation of blood vessel “scavenger”!

Old Yu likes to eat fungus, but I mainly like the crispy taste of fungus. After soaking the fungus, cook it with water and eat it. When dipped in horseradish, it is refreshing and at the same time, there is a feeling of empowerment!

However, no matter how good the fungus is, if the soaking time is too long, it is not good for health! Why do you say that? Because, if the fungus is soaked for too long, it will produce harmful substances such as Aspergillus flavus and Penicillium!

How long does it take for fungus foam to produce harmful substances?

The harmful substances produced by the fungus have a great relationship with the foaming time and temperature! Generally, it takes only eight hours to soak the fungus in the water temperature above 30 degrees to produce the above-mentioned toxins; , it takes 12 hours to soak to produce toxins; and the water temperature between zero and ten degrees, it takes 24 hours to soak!

Many friends are accustomed to soaking the fungus overnight when soaking the fungus, so that it is just right the next day and does not delay cooking. If it’s winter and the water temperature is lower, this is OK!

If it is summer, the water temperature is high, or the fungus is soaked in water with a high temperature, then the soaked fungus is likely to produce toxins , So, this soaking method is not right!

How to soak the fungus correctly and quickly?

Actually, soaking the fungus is very simple. It does not take 10 minutes before and after washing and soaking. Especially when soaking the fungus, it doesn’t even take 1 minute to soak the fungus. Soft and easy to fill the pot! Do not believe it? Don’t worry, I will tell you the method below! Let’s take a look below!

1. Put an appropriate amount of dried fungus into the pool to rinse it, and this is mainly to wash off the large pieces of sediment on the fungus;

2. Put the rinsed fungus into the basin, add two spoons of salt, grab a handful of flour or an appropriate amount of starch, add an appropriate amount of water, stir evenly, soak for five or six minutes, and use water again Rinse clean,

3. Here comes the point!Put the rinsed fungus into a larger glass bottle, add a spoonful of sugar, pour in warm water, screw on the bottle cap, shake it for ten seconds, open the bottle cap, and the fungus is ready to soak!Note: It really only takes ten seconds to soak the fungus!


Why should the fungus be soaked with salt and flour for a while before soaking? Salt can sterilize the fungus, while flour or starch can absorb the fine dust on the fungus.

Secondly, when soaking the fungus, it is best to use a bottle with a large mouth! It is older than the bottle of soy sauce that is generally used up. It is actually very simple to soak the fungus. A spoonful of sugar, an appropriate amount of warm water, twist After capping the bottle, shake it for more than ten seconds, and the fungus can be soaked in an instant, and the fungus soaked in this way is soft and big, and the key is clean!

How to choose high-quality fungus?

Many friends bought the fungus back home, The bubbles are all mud and sand, and secondly, they will either rot after soaking, or they are not big. In fact, it is also a skill to choose high-quality fungus!

1. Listen to the sound! When buying fungus, grab a handful of fungus and weigh each other, high-quality fungus, you will hear a very crisp sound; if it is of average or inferior quality, the sound is dull;

2, look at the thickness! High-quality fungus, no matter the size of the ear piece, it must be relatively thick! After such a fungus is foamed, it will expand greatly; if it is a low-quality fungus, its ear pieces are generally relatively thin, and even if it is foamed, it will not expand too much;

3, easy to break! A good fungus will break when you break it gently, while a low-quality fungus is not easy to break. Therefore, when choosing a fungus, you can pick up a piece of fungus and fold it. If it is easy to break, it is a high-quality fungus. !

The above is the content shared with you today, I hope it can help you! If you have a better way to soak the fungus, please share it in the comment area! Finally, thank you for watching, thank you!