Eating one meal a day prolongs life by 28%? American scientists found that starvation makes the body spontaneously clean up “garbage”

As the saying goes: “Man is iron, rice is steel, and you will be hungry if you don’t eat one meal.” Three meals a day has always been regarded as a standard rule of life. Eat well and drink well to live a long and healthy life. With the development of science, this view is increasingly challenged. People find that eating too much will accelerate aging. “Light fasting” and “restrictive diet” have become hot topics and highly respected.

One ​​meal a day prolongs survival by 28%

The team of Dr. Rafael de Cabo of the National Institutes of Health (NIA) published an article in the sub-issue of the authoritative biological journal “Cell” that intermittent fasting may be the key to maintaining youth. When cells enter a state of starvation, they will spontaneously clean up body waste and maintain health.

The experiment used a randomized control model. The researchers divided 292 healthy mice into 3 groups, which were fed ad libitum, one meal a day, and one meal a day. And different dietary patterns with an additional 30% calorie reduction. After 20 months of continuous feeding, the results of the study showed that, under the condition of meeting human needs, the less food was eaten, the younger the cell state, and the longer the mice lived. Compared with eating ad libitum, mice that ate just one meal a day had less insulin resistance and lived 11 percent longer, while mice that ate just one meal a day and 30 percent less calories lived 28 percent longer.

The experimental results surprised the research team. To further verify this conclusion and test whether this phenomenon can also be applied to humans, the researchers repeated the experiment on monkeys that are more than 95% genetically similar to humans, and the results were almost exactly the same as before. Amazing experimental data further validates the idea of ​​”eat less and live longer”.

Second, “caloric restriction” is the key to activate “energy factory” mitochondria

By regularly measuring various indicators in the experimental mice, the research team uncovered the mechanism behind this phenomenon. Professor Rafael explained: “The core mechanism of this experiment lies in caloric restriction, which modulates the mitochondrial network. When starving, in order to save energy, cells will turn on “self-help mode”, eat some damaged aging cells, degrade their components to maintain energy, this process is called “autophagy”, can help remove damaged aging cells, Promotes cell regeneration and keeps mitochondria young and efficient, thereby promoting healthy aging.

The conclusion that “calorie restriction” promotes healthy aging and prolongs survival is indisputable, but the behavior of eating only one meal a day is difficult to adhere to in reality Do, the in-depth development of science has solved this problem. Both cellular aging and mitochondrial dysfunction belong to the nine major biomarkers of aging, and are currently key research areas in the academic world. There are many methods to resist aging through such a pathway, and mature results have been transformed.

Harvard genetics professor Sinclair wrote in “Cell” that exogenous intake of coenzyme 1 molecules for one week in Pelowe PRO” core substance), which is equivalent to the reversal of mitochondrial function in 70-year-old human mouse cells to young levels, and various physiological indicators are equivalent to 20-year-old humans. As the discoverer, Sinclair himself also acted as a “guinea pig” and took the substance for a long time. Two years later, after a DNA methylation test, his biological age in his 50s was only 31 years old, which is equivalent to 20 years younger. The research also resulted in Sinclair being named one of the “100 Most Influential People in the World.

It is worth mentioning that it is also Different from controlling calorie intake according to one’s own conditions to achieve the purpose of regulating mitochondria, the substance discovered by Sinclair has been popularized out of the laboratory. Longevity country Japan has included it in the list of food raw materials, supplemented by mitochondrial optimization ingredients to develop mature The achievement “Piloway PRO” is very popular in high-end Ginza such as Mitsukoshi Department Store. After being introduced into China by Jing-Dong, it is also popular among high-net-worth groups in first- and second-tier cities. “Limit” provides a new option to resist the old but difficult to persevere.

Three, technology helps everyone turn a hundred years old The time has come

Demographer Samuel Preston wrote in his book that the greatest driver of longevity is technological innovation in health. New. Either “Calorie Restriction” or “Palowe PRO” type intervention for aging supplements are all human explorations to prolong lifespan and achieve healthy aging. As an analyst at Meiyi Merrill Lynch said: “Human beings are at the forefront of changes in which the quality and length of life are unprecedentedly improved, and they will soon be healthy. Life expectancy will be well over 100 years old. “The scientific research results that have emerged since the beginning of the 21st century seem to confirm this view.

The Israeli team of scientists found in the clinic that a 64-year-old man inhaled three consecutive The high-pressure pure oxygen in the past month can significantly reverse the aging process of cells in the body. It is 20 years younger than before. The mature technology O2ark hyperbaric oxygen chamber is favored by the wealthy in Beijing, Shanghai and other super first-tier cities. Reprogramming technology”, which “rejuvenates” mature cells, attracts 20 billion investment from the super-rich, and is determined to extend human lifespan by 50 years. Recent research has also achieved impressive results, making 53-year-old skin cells almost younger in just 13 days. At age 30, its function also reverses to the level of young cells.

Since 2020, modern biotech knowledge is doubling every 73 days The speed of growth of human beings may be in the near future, by which means human beings can simply and quickly extend their survival period and usher in a new era of 100-year-old people.