I have been suffering from diabetes for 47 years and have no obvious complications. 5 dietary sugar control experiences to share with you

As the saying goes: “Food is the god of the people”, and people with diabetes are no exception.

However, diabetic patients are a special group and must control their diet, not more, not less, not to mention not eating, eating more If you eat too much, you will have high blood sugar, if you eat less, you will have low blood sugar.

I have been suffering from diabetes for 47 years, and I have explored some experience in diet treatment, and now I have sorted it out and shared it with friends with diabetes for reference.

1. Fully understand the importance of diabetes control diet

< span>Diabetes control diet is the basis of prevention and treatment. Like building a house, if the foundation is not strong, the ground will be shaken.

If diabetic patients do not control their diet, no matter how good the doctor or the best medicine is, it will be in vain.

2. Eat all kinds of food

< span>Diabetes patients need a comprehensive food intake, which is determined by the needs of the human body.

In addition to oxygen, the human body needs 7 kinds of nutrients, namely: protein, carbohydrate (sugar), fat, inorganic salt ( minerals), vitamins, dietary fiber and water. These 7 kinds of nutrients perform their respective functions in the human body, coordinate and restrain each other, and jointly complete the physiological activities of the human body.

The body is like a machine, if one part is missing, something will go wrong. Therefore, the above 7 nutrients must be fully supplemented, and all of them are indispensable.

3. Reasonable control of food quantity

According to authority According to the information, there is no sugar-free food in the world, even vegetables or sugar-free foods contain sugar, just how much sugar it contains. Therefore, diabetic patients should strictly control the amount of food intake.

Eat your fist-sized staple food at each meal, eat more green leafy vegetables, and limit meat, eggs and milk; stable blood sugar (fasting blood sugar less than 7.0mmol/ Under the premise that the blood sugar is less than 10.0mmol/L 2 hours after a meal), you can eat about 200 grams of fruit every day.

4. Choose quality food< /span>

For diabetic patients, high-quality food is not to eat big fish and meat, but to choose food that is conducive to stabilizing and lowering blood sugar. Foods in this area mainly include:

  • High-protein foods, such as eggs, beans, fish, milk, etc.
  • Low-sugar and low-fat foods, such as: soy products, corn, eel, loach, green leafy vegetables, etc.
  • Bitter food, such as bitter gourd, bitter vegetable, Houttuynia cordata, Kudingcha, lotus seed heart, American ginseng, etc.
  • Foods with insulin-like effects, such as mulberry leaves, avocado, grapefruit, etc.
  • Foods that regulate blood sugar. Such as: ginseng, kudzu, onion, spinach, yam, bran, tender pea, spinach root, etc.

5. Scientific Eating

Scientific eating is an effective way to control diet. The way I eat is: I drink the soup first, then the vegetables, and then the meal.

For decades, I have taken the above methods to eat well. Now my blood sugar, blood pressure, blood lipids and other indicators are normal. I am 80 years old this year. He is still writing books and popular science articles, contributing to “Healthy China” and providing positive energy.

Author: Deng Huanxin (Tel: Morning 13307450928)

Honorary President of Huaihua Diabetes Rehabilitation Association

< span>Invited editorial board member of “Huaxia Medical Soul” by Chinese Medical Doctor Association