Can yam eliminate thyroid nodules? Doctor: It is recommended that 3 do not eat, 4 persist, the nodules may gradually dissipate

Hi, my name is Dr. Duan. Today we are going to talk about thyroid nodules.

The thyroid nodule is located below the human Adam’s apple, like a beautiful butterfly, and guards the organ like a Dunjia, hence the name thyroid. It looks beautiful and weak, but it is a very important endocrine gland. With the development of medical technology and the advancement of inspection methods, the probability of thyroid nodules being detected is getting higher and higher. Coupled with the fast pace of modern life, high pressure, staying up late, unhealthy diet, mood swings and other bad habits, thyroid problems are more likely to occur.

Thyroid nodules are actually small lumps that grow in the thyroid gland because the blood in our body does not flow smoothly in the thyroid area. Usually these nodules will move up and down with swallowing. Thyroid nodules can be single or multiple. Multiple nodules have a higher incidence than single nodules, but the transformation rate of single nodules to thyroid cancer is higher.

Most thyroid diseases are benign, and doctors recommend conservative treatment, so diet therapy has become the first choice for people.

So, can yam really dissipate thyroid nodules?

Yam can induce the production of interferon, which can enhance the body’s immune function and reduce the risk of thyroid disease. The amylase contained in yam can help digestion and enhance the immune function of the body. The yam contains a lot of vitamins and trace elements, which are beneficial to the spleen and kidney. However, there are very few interferons that can be extracted from a yam and used to reduce inflammation and fire, so it is far from being able to completely dissipate nodules by eating yam.

People with poor thyroid function should eat less of these three things to avoid thyroid disease

1. White radish

White radish has the reputation of “ginseng in vegetables”. White radish has high nutritional value and is often used in soups or stews. If you have thyroid nodules, if you eat too much white radish, it will not help the nodules dissipate, and even cause the nodules to swell. As a cruciferous vegetable, white radish radish contains a substance called saponin, which can stimulate nodules and increase the growth rate of nodules.

2. Soybean

Soybeans are rich in protein, which can increase the activity rate of thyroid cells to some extent. However, long-term consumption will cause thyroid hormones to be reabsorbed, causing a large amount of thyroid hormones to be lost during excretion. As a result, the content of thyroid hormones in the blood is deficient, resulting in increased thyroid metabolism and induced nodule growth. In addition, soybeans contain a lot of purines, which will increase the burden on the liver and kidney. When the kidney function is damaged, the toxins in the body cannot be excreted, which will also reduce the metabolic capacity of the thyroid, which is not conducive to the dissipation of nodules. Therefore, there is no problem for normal people to eat some soybeans properly. However, if you only have thyroid nodules, you should strictly control the intake and do not develop them into hair.

3. Chili

Chili peppers are both vegetables and condiments. If you add some chili peppers when cooking, it can add a lot of flavor.

However, some people like to eat some heavy-tasting food in their eating habits, even to the extent that they do not like spicy food, and pepper is indispensable in every meal. If you have thyroid nodules, it is best to touch peppers less, because it will stimulate the growth of nodules and is not conducive to the recovery of the disease.

If you want a healthy thyroid, stick to these 4 things every day, simple and effective

1. Balanced diet

The diet should be light, do not eat irritating food, such as: pepper, garlic, wine, strong tea, cold drinks, etc., will further damage the thyroid surface mucosa, causing inflammation. It is recommended to eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits to keep trace elements in the bodyBalanced, thyroid hormone secretion will be stable, and the garbage remaining in the body can be metabolized in time to avoid the growth of thyroid nodules.

2. Rest early

I believe many people understand the truth of staying up late and hurting the body, but many people have poor self-control in life. And it’s hard to take regular breaks. For patients with thyroid nodules who want to recover as soon as possible, this habit of staying up late should be corrected as soon as possible. 11:00 is the time for the liver and various organs to detoxify. Those who haven’t slept beyond this time point are all “overworked” and staying up late for a long time will cause endocrine disorders and lower immunity, and there is no need for thyroid nodules to dissipate. A little help.

3. ​​Drink more water

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Water is an important part of the body. If you drink enough water, it can improve metabolism and reduce thyroid pressure to avoid the rapid development of thyroid nodules. Of course, if you don’t want to drink boiled water, you can try soaking dandelion roses in water, mainly dandelion, which can promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, clear heat and detoxify. This can relieve the pressure on the tissue around the thyroid and help the thyroid to return to normal function as soon as possible.

4. Good mood

People often say that a smile is ten years old, although this expression seems a bit exaggerated , but related research has found that if you can maintain a positive and optimistic attitude every day, people’s organs and tissues will be healthier. But on the contrary, if you are emotionally unstable or in a state of depression and irritability for a long time, it will reduce the body’s immunity, and it is not conducive to thyroid health. In the long run, it will stimulate the formation of bad hormones, which is not conducive to the recovery of thyroid nodules.