Can mushrooms eliminate thyroid nodules? Doctor: If you don’t want to get thyroid nodules, stay away from these 5 things

Many people are always anxious after a thyroid nodule is detected in the physical examination, fearing that it will develop into thyroid cancer. But there are also some people who don’t think it’s painful or itchy, and think it doesn’t matter. Many people mistakenly think that this disease can only be waited for observation, but in fact, it can also be regulated in a targeted manner.

We know that the thyroid gland is an endocrine organ that plays an important role in maintaining the normal physiological function of the human body. Thyroxine helps us regulate metabolism, make proteins, and mediate other organs, tissues and systems. At the same time, the calcitonin produced by the thyroid can regulate the balance of calcium in the body.

The so-called thyroid nodules are lumps in the thyroid gland, which can be divided into two categories: benign and malignant. Most of them are benign, and less than 10% are malignant. Thyroid nodules belong to the category of gall disease in traditional Chinese medicine, which is a kind of disease characterized by lumps and swellings on both sides of the front neck and Adam’s apple.

Many people are always anxious after a thyroid nodule is detected in the physical examination, fearing that it will develop into thyroid cancer. Of course, some people feel that it doesn’t matter because of their lack of understanding of the disease. As long as they don’t feel uncomfortable, they don’t take it to heart. In fact, both mindsets are undesirable.

For diseases, prevention is also very important. We often pay attention to the disease after the disease and adopt various methods to treat it. The patient is physically and mentally exhausted. Therefore, how to prevent thyroid nodules also needs to attract everyone’s attention. I have summarized the following 5 situations. Everyone should pay attention to staying away from each other in daily life, and the chance of getting sick will be reduced.

1. Avoid high-intensity work, fatigue, tension, staying up late, depression, irritability, etc. An unhealthy lifestyle and long-term negative emotions can harm the endocrine system of the human body.

2. Avoid excessive intake of iodine. There is a certain relationship with the occurrence of thyroid disease, but it is not the only factor.

3. Avoid frequent exposure to ionizing radiation, especially the head and neck. Regular exposure to ionizing radiation can adversely affect superficial organs such as the thyroid, and even lead to the occurrence of malignant tumors.

4. Avoid wearing jewelry that contains a certain dose of natural radiation.

5. Those who have relatives in the family who have suffered from thyroid cancer should be checked regularly.

Someone came to me to read the list recently, and then asked a very concerned question, that is, I heard that shiitake mushrooms are good for the body, can improve immunity, and are good for thyroid nodules, is it true? of? Now let’s talk about the role of mushrooms.

Mushrooms are known as “God’s Food”, “The Pinnacle of Plant Foods” and “Edible Mushroom Queen”. Shiitake mushrooms are high-protein, low-fat “health food”.

Mushrooms are sweet and flat in nature, non-toxic, and have the functions of nourishing qi, invigorating the spleen and stomach, and soothing acne. It is suitable for the elderly and infirm, chronic illness and physical weakness, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, fatigue, vomiting and diarrhea, frequent urination, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, rickets, hyperlipidemia, constipation, anemia, tumors and other diseases as an auxiliary diet therapy . Therefore, patients with thyroid nodules can eat mushrooms.

Chinese people always pay attention to eating, and they are especially willing to study. Diet is closely related to our physical health. Therefore, in addition to mushrooms, we recommend several foods that are also good for the thyroid.

1. Kiwi. Kiwifruit has the reputation of “king of fruits”. It has a sour and sweet taste, and is cold in nature. It enters the spleen and stomach meridians. It can regulate qi, diuretic and laxative, promote body fluid and moisten dryness, and is sweet and sour, rich in nutrition, and its nutritional value is also very high. Rich in various vitamins, kiwifruit is rich in vitamins, which can reduce swelling and disperse knots. It is a nourishing fruit for the elderly, children, and the infirm.

2. Fungus. Flat, sweet. Returns the lung, spleen, large intestine, and liver channels. Black fungus is not only nutritious, black fungusIt also has the functions of nourishing qi and strengthening the body, nourishing the kidney and nourishing the stomach, promoting blood circulation, etc. Nodules patients can eat it to improve their immunity, so they can eat it at ordinary times.

3. Shepherd’s purse. Sweet in taste, flat in nature, cool in nature, enter liver, lung and spleen meridians. Sun Simiao’s “Prescriptions for Emergencies” records that its taste is sweet, warm and astringent, non-toxic, invigorating liver qi, neutralizing and killing all poisons. Eating shepherd’s purse can harmonize the spleen and stomach, clear heat and diuretic water, reduce swelling and calm the liver, which is very suitable for patients with nodules.