The space hero triumphs, and the children of the experimental kindergarten in Tianqiao District send blessings with their skillful creations

Qilu Evening News reporter He Zhaoyang Correspondent Geng Xiujin

The starry sky is incomparably vast, and there is no end to exploration. On April 16, the Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft successfully completed its mission and landed safely. Children from the Experimental Kindergarten in Tianqiao District, Jinan City watched the live broadcast at home and welcomed the heroic triumph.

Almost every child has a wonderful dream of spaceflight in their hearts, and their smiling faces show their yearning for the vast space. The children used their imaginations, carefully sketched the spaceship in their hearts with brushes, and turned into little designers, using waste materials to design unique small rockets, transforming their enthusiasm and curiosity about aerospace technology into active exploration. of good quality.

The vast universe, the stars and the sea, children express their extraordinary dreams of traveling to space in their own way. I would like to say hard work to the aerospace work team and astronauts who have worked silently, and pay tribute to all astronauts! Proud of the great motherland!