Early symptoms of coronary heart disease are divided into six categories. TCM syndrome differentiation and interpretation will teach you to check and see by yourself

Coronary heart disease, which is called thoracic obstruction and heart obstruction in traditional Chinese medicine, is caused by various factors such as insufficient mental strength, deficiency of yang and excess of yin. I have seen many patients with symptoms of qi congestion and blood stagnation, they are afraid of turning into chest paralysis and cerebral paralysis, and they all hope to seek a preventive prescription. Of course, one set of recipes cannot solve all the problems related to coronary heart disease. So Dr. Sun will explain several types of coronary heart disease here today to help you classify and treat them.

  1. Insufficiency of heart qi

The early symptoms of coronary heart disease with insufficient heart qi include heart pain, chest tightness and fatigue, moderate The elderly usually sleep less, get up in the early morning, take a nap at noon and feel refreshed, but lack of energy can easily cause sleepiness and fatigue, palpitation and night sweats when sleeping, loss of appetite when eating, especially in the current season when the temperature is relatively high, it often occurs Inability to eat and a pale tongue with a thin coating are the early symptoms of coronary heart disease with insufficient heart qi.

II. Cardiovascular Dystrophy

Patients with Cardiovascular Dystrophy are prone to daily symptoms of heartache and palpitations. Cardiovascular dystrophy can easily lead to numbness of the limbs, which usually occurs in the limbs. Duan – that is, the numbness of the fingertips and toes, which is usually relieved by pressing and rubbing with the hands evenly, but it often recurs. In addition to irritability, dry mouth and less fluid, red tongue. You can choose angelica, white peony and other nourishing and tranquilizing medicinal herbs for decoction to nourish qi and nourish blood.

III. Qi stagnation and blood stasis

The early symptoms of Qi stagnation and blood stasis type usually include heart tingling, which is different from heart pain. Heart tingling is often sudden and comes quickly It goes quickly and is easily overlooked by patients. It often occurs after fatigue and anger. At the same time, chest distention, shortness of breath, irritability and other symptoms will also occur, which are consistent with the tingling pain, and are often sporadic, with a thick tongue coating.

In this case, it is necessary to promote qi and remove blood stasis, and medicinal materials such as Salvia miltiorrhiza and longi are commonly used.

4. Yang deficiency and Yin flourishing

Coronary heart disease with Yang deficiency and Yin flourishing is relatively common. In addition to the usual heartache and chest tightness, the main difference is that it is easy to get excited and anger causes headaches. , dizziness, flushing, irritable heat during the attack, easy to dry mouth at night, waking up from a dream, especially the recent dry weather, more likely to be misdiagnosed by the patient, the tongue is thin and yellow.

For the condition of yang deficiency and yin excess, Chinese herbs such as Sophora japonica, Salvia miltiorrhiza, and Poria are generally used to control the yang and soothe the nerves. Sophora japonica is a seasonal ingredient. Picking fresh Sophora japonica tea and adding or subtracting other soothing herbs will have better effect.

V. Phlegm-drinking obstruction

Phlegm-drinking obstruction is usually due to the deficiency of the spleen and kidney, which leads to the accumulation of turbid substances, causing symptoms such as heartache, shortness of breath, chest tightness, etc. The patient often coughs Spitting is easy to be misdiagnosed, and the tongue coating is thick and greasy, and the phlegm sound is muddy.

In this case, it is necessary to use ginger and cinnamon sticks to soak in water, and drink more every day, which can naturally eliminate phlegm and turbidity, and invigorate the kidney and clear the spleen.

The above are the early symptoms of the five types of thoracic paralysis according to the symptoms. You can classify and treat them according to your own situation and prevent them as soon as possible. If you have any doubts about your symptoms, you can write them down in the comment area, and I will first Reply as soon as possible, you can also follow me for more heart and brain knowledge.