Are the “buildings” on the moon real or fake?

The moon is the light messenger of the earth at night, and the bright and jade-like moonlight shrouds a poetic atmosphere. It has inspired the imagination of how many beautiful people have been since ancient times. Daughter-in-law E flies to the moon, Wu Gang fell trees, and Yutu pounded medicine. Although it is said that “the heights are too cold”, they are also “unlike the world.” However, contemporary scientific understanding of the lunar environment will greatly disappoint the ancients: it is an extremely dead and dry world, full of large and small craters (craters); the sun on the lunar surface can reach 127 degrees Celsius degrees, and at night it drops to -183 degrees.

In recent years, the unexpected discovery of the secrets of the moon by space probes has caused scientists to have various doubts and speculations.

July 1969 to December 1972; during the US implementation of the “Apollo” moon landing program, astronauts took some pictures of lunar craters, Judging from these photos, there are clearly traces of artificial transformation on the crater.

For example, in the interior of Goklenius crater, it can be seen that there is a right angle, each side of which is 25 kilometers long; on the ground and ring walls, there are also Clear traces of refurbishment. What is more unique is that there is a crater, its edge is smooth and too complete; the inside of the ring is geometric, there is a bisector that seems to be drawn out, and at the geometric center of the circumference, there are walls and their projections. On the outside of the mountain there is a sloping slope, which is shaped like a complete square, with a cross inside the square, which divides the square into piles.

In fact, a variety of puzzling phenomena about the moon have been discovered one after another during the nearly 200 years of human observation of the moon.

In late 1821, Sir John Herschel discovered a spot of light of unknown origin on the moon. He said that the point of light was moving with the moon, so it could never be a star.

August 7, 1869, Professor Swift of Illinois, USA, and two European hearts

Scholars Sinas and Sentheyer observed that some objects crossed the moon and found that “they seem to be advancing in parallel and straight formation”.

In 1867, the Linnaeus crater of Tranquil Sea, which was declared to have disappeared by the astronomical community, appeared in the original disappearance of a strange white halo with a diameter of 7 kilometers. Some scholars have suggested that this situation may mean that there is some kind of transparent material covering some kind of base.

On April 24, 1874, Professor Sci Rick of Prague, observed an unknown object shining slowly across the Moon, and from there fly out.

On the night of November 23, 1877, Dr. Klein of England and a group of astronomers in the United States were shocked to see some spots of light concentrated on Plato from other craters In the crater, these light spots pass through the outer wall of Plato’s crater, meet in the interior of the mountain, and are arranged in a huge luminous triangle, which looks like a pattern of some kind of signal. When a solar eclipse occurred on November 26, 1910, French and British scientists observed “a luminous object set off from the moon” and “a light spot on the moon”, respectively. According to the descriptions of observers at the time, the objects that appeared on the moon during the eclipse were shaped like modern rockets.

On December 21, 1953, Dr. Wilkins, Director of the Lunar Department of the British Astronomical Association, revealed in a radio talk that a large number of “mass” Domes”; these semi-circular “buildings” are dazzling white and the smallest of them is 3 kilometers in diameter. “We have absolutely no idea what’s going on here, and we believe the British side, like us, can’t explain it,” said Dr. Modjeveev.

The only speculation is the appearance and disappearance of American bombers on the moon dominated by super-intelligent forces operating outside the earth. More clues may be unimaginable for people on earth.

A series of unexplained phenomena around the earth’s satellite, the moon, have alerted people of insight in the scientific community; extraterrestrial intelligence is “using” us the moon.