Legend has it that the earth has experienced three major disasters

Among the Indians of Central America was a tribe called the Hopis. They have an amazing understanding of their tribe’s wandering history and the intricacies of the universe. In their chronicles, three major disasters were recorded on the earth: the first was a volcanic eruption; the second was an earthquake and the mad rotation of the earth after it broke away from its axis; the third was a catastrophic flood 12,000 years ago .

Although this is an ancient tribe that is about to die out, their knowledge of the solar system, especially their statement that the earth is off axis; The assumptions put forward by physicists Hugh Auchincloss and Brown fit perfectly. The latter believes that if the weight of the ice covered by one of the two poles of the earth suddenly increases, the rotation of the earth will vibrate, and finally it will spin wildly away from the axis. This extraordinary knowledge of the solar system of the backward Hopis has taken people by surprise.

“The Third Disaster” is also true. As far as 12,000 years ago, due to an unexplained climate change, the glaciers of the third ice age suddenly began to melt, causing the global water level to rise, submerging the land and islands in the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, the Caribbean Sea and other regions, forming a strait. . Later, coupled with submarine volcanic eruptions, part of the land subsided, thus forming a worldwide catastrophic flood. The flood led to various legends related to it.

For example, Noah, the greatest prehistoric ecologist, the biblical ark-riding; escape from the flood in the Indian epic Mahapalada The Pesbaqubada; the Colombian mythology of Nonghiga, who digs a hole in the earth to avoid drowning; the Chinese legend of Yu who controls the flood…

Many rocks provide us with strong evidence. A few years ago, Soviet scientists took rock samples from a depth of 2,200 meters under the sea in the northern Azores, which were identified as being formed in the air 17,000 years ago. During a seafloor dredging project in the Azores in the 19th century, some blocks of basalt glass, a vitrified lava formed in the air under atmospheric pressure, were fished out of the water. In 1956, Dr. Malles and Dr. Korler of the National Museum in Stockholm discovered fresh water in diatomaceous earth at a depth of 3609 meters in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Studies show that 12,000 years ago this was the site of a freshwater lake. Scientists have also confirmed that rocks in the submerged part of the Hama Islands were once in the air 12,000 years ago.