Eight ways to help you solve stomach bloating and indigestion as soon as possible

Stomach is the digestive system of the human body. If there is indigestion and flatulence, there will be no interest in food and no appetite, which will naturally affect normal diet and absorption of nutrients in the body, and flatulence will occur. The whole stomach will also feel very uncomfortable, so what should I do if the stomach does not digest and flatulence? Let’s learn how to deal with indigestion and flatulence.

The main reasons for stomach bloating are as follows:

1. Worry, anger, and anger can also damage the stomach.

2. Unsanitary diet. Some bacteria produce toxins in the intestines, causing gastrointestinal diseases such as acute gastroenteritis.

3. Too little water intake or too little fiber food intake can cause constipation and flatulence.

4. Life is not normal. It may also be regularly quantified, causing the intestines to be too hungry or too full, resulting in abnormal intestinal movements, which can overburden the gastrointestinal tract for a long time.

5. Eating too much oil can make it difficult for the intestines to digest. A high-protein or high-fat diet can easily change the intestinal flora, which is not conducive to the survival of beneficial bacteria. If you eat too much greasy food, the lipase and protease in the body will be overwhelmed until they are depleted.

6. Eat too fast. It will make the chewing in place, resulting in the inability of the digestive juice and food to be fully mixed and mixed, so that the digestion and decomposition cannot be fully carried out, which will cause damage to the intestines.

7. Excessive stress directly affects the physiological function, which is the abnormal intestinal function.

What to eat for flatulence

1. Banana apples: Banana apples contain potassium , helps to adjust the sodium level of the body and avoid edema and abdominal bloating.

2. Loofah: Loofah contains the flavonoid antioxidant quercetin, which helps reduce abdominal distension.

3. Ginger slices: Ginger slices can relieve the digestive tract, release pressure on the muscles of the digestive system, and relieve abdominal bloating. Ginger slices also contain enzymes that can digest protein, reducing the probability of abdominal bloating caused by protein.

4. Luobu: Radish is the best food to soothe the liver and regulate Qi. Luobu contains mustard oil and dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal motility and promote gastrointestinal motility. Defecation is excreted, therefore, stomach bloating can eat Luogai.

5. Actinidia: Actinidia eliminates body waste, contains more dietary fiber and protein-dissolving fruit enzymes, which can quickly eliminate body deposits Hazardous to metabolic substances. The sour taste in kiwifruit can promote gastrointestinal motility, reduce flatulence and improve sleep quality.

Finally, I will share with you several ways to deal with bloating:

1. Don’t squat immediately after eating: You can walk or stand for a while after eating, you don’t have to lie down to rest or squat immediately, especially when lying down is very easy to be compressed In the stomach, conditions that cause indigestion, bloating, and even stomach pain.

2. Chew millet soup: millet soup and barley porridge are reasonable for abdominal distension, exhaust pipe and stomach heartburn. Add 5 parts water to 1 part rice (rice or wheat seeds) and bring to a boil for 10 minutes. Cover the large pot and simmer for another 50 minutes. Filter, refrigerate, and drink many times a day.

3. Taking acidophilus: Indigestion-type bloating can be improved with acidophilus, because the lack of this good bacteria is the most common elements of indigestion.

4. Adequate intake of foods high in chemical fiber: Although foods high in chemical fiber are good for physical and mental health, some vegetables, fruits and Fresh fruit might lift the exhaust.

5. Fitness exercise: do simple exercises to relieve fitness, squat down, wrap your hands around the flexed legs, and bring the base of the thigh close to the abdomen. It is beneficial to gastrointestinal digestion and absorption, and eliminates the feeling of bloating in the stomach.

6. Apply heat and massage the abdomen. On a bed or fabric sofa, bend your feet and apply a warm cotton towel to your abdomen. And gently massage the abdomen with both hands, so that the gas in the abdomen can be pushed out, and the symptoms of flatulence can of course be dealt with reasonably.

7. Drink vinegar to reduce bloating. When stomach bloating occurs, you can add appropriate vinegar to domestic water to drink. Symptoms of flatulence can be quickly relieved, and drinking several times a day can cure frequent flatulence.

8. Take medicines that promote digestion. In many cases, flatulence is caused by indigestion. Therefore, taking some digestion-promoting drugs such as Xiaoshi tablets and morphine can greatly help to deal with flatulence.