Take care of yourself and stay awake

Sun Yat-sen said that the world trend is mighty and mighty. A trend is a trend. The times create heroes, and whoever grasps the trend will be successful. Choosing the right direction is greater than any effort.

The world is undergoing unprecedented changes, with the old and the new alternating. The country and the people have recognized the reality. The best place to control the epidemic is China. Because the country has institutional advantages. We are a socialist country with the aim of serving the people. Unlike Europe and the United States, the purpose is to serve the capitalists. The ideal state is one based on socialism and supplemented by capitalism. The two are integrated into one, the other is indispensable, and the contradictions are unified.

Our ideal is that the world is united and the world is one family. The journey of the avenue, the world is the public. Open arms, understand each other, seek common ground while reserving differences, and work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

Heaven and earth are parents, all things are interlinked, respect elders, love the young, and care for the orphans, widows, disabilities, poverty, and disadvantaged groups. The world is harmonious, and all mankind is unified. You have me I have you. The future and destiny of each nation and country are closely linked, we stand together through thick and thin, we share weal and woe, and we will work together to build the earth into a big family of harmony and harmony.

From a harmonious family, to a harmonious country, to a harmonious earth. Turn the yearning of people all over the world for a better life into reality. The peoples of all countries actively participate together. Consolidate the consensus of people of different ethnic groups, different beliefs, different cultures and different regions, and jointly contribute to the great cause of building a community with a shared future for mankind. Under the same blue sky is the same family.

The yearning of people all over the world for a better life is the trend of today’s world. As China grows stronger, the Chinese people will lead the world towards true peace and stability, and will communicate with each other. The future is not only the prosperity of China, but also the prosperity of the world.

We should study hard, work hard, improve ourselves, make ourselves smarter, travel around the world, and gain knowledge.

As long as the world is peaceful, there is no war, there is food, clothing, no guns, and a place to live , There are books to read and work to do. Like China now, there is no epidemic, and the health is very good.

Don’t compare, be sure to have luxury houses, luxury cars, airplanes and yachts, wear luxury goods, and attract everyone’s attention. None of this is needed. Let them pursue the good life they yearn for. I think the real beauty is the basic material life, basic health protection, no debt, millions of savings, and doing things you like, everything is fine. To wear a crown must bear its weight. With great wealth comes great responsibility. As much love as you want, you must contribute as much value.

Keep a good attitude and manage yourself. The essence of life is self-discipline, thrift and diligence, not freedom and luxury. Coarse tea and light meals, quiet and far-reaching.

Looking back at history, how many great people have become the past. How brilliant you are, how dim you are. Life is empty after all. All arrogance and arrogance will eventually wake up, it is just a false loss.