Epidemic prevention pays attention to internal and external harmony – medicine and food are of the same origin, and the kitchen is also a pharmacy

There is such a story in the original “Journey to the West”:

< span>Tang monks and disciples left Yuhua City and arrived at Jinping House. The monks of Ciyun Temple warmly welcomed them. When they were about to leave for the westward journey, they were grateful to the elders of Ciyun Temple for their kindness, so they stayed for a few more days to watch the Lantern Festival lanterns .

The Lantern Festival was very lively. When viewing the lanterns, I saw three golden lanterns filled with oil. The tank is particularly large, andis fragrant. It turns out that it contains styrax sesame oil.

This is dedicated to the Lord Buddha. Every year on this day, the Lord Buddha descends to the earth to collect sesame oil and serve the Lord Buddha well. Now, this year will be good weather, and this custom has lasted for more than a thousand years.

Who knows, this time, when the Buddha came down to collect oil, a gust of wind swept the Tang monk away. It was only then that the mystery of the incident was slowly revealed. It turned out that three rhinos were doing the trick, pretending to be gods and Buddhas to collect sesame oil.

We gotta be curious Now, rhino essence is not good for nectar, gold and silver treasures, and beauty, so why do you have a soft spot for styrax sesame oil?

Art comes from life , and the medical theory of Chinese medicine itself is also a part of life.

So from traditional thinking From the perspective of Chinese medicine thinking:

< span>RhinocerosThe rhinos are huge and muscular, but their noses and eyes are small, and their apertures are also small, so the whole body of rhinos is not fluent enough.

And the cultivation of essence is to overcome the constraints of the body, so, the most effective way must be through < span>Aromatic product, with its fragrance wandering, let the body’s qi move as much as possible.

So, styrax oil has become their luxury.

This is fiction, Humans are not like that.

Someone says human history It is a history of the struggle against microorganisms. It is not so much a history of fighting against microorganisms as a history of living with the environment, which includes the natural environment and the inner environment of our bodies.

and the external environment Getting along, including the improvement of the living environment, with sachets or incense, etc., is to achieve harmony with the external environment as much as possible, and people can maintain a relatively healthy state in such an environment.

Get along with the internal environment of the body, often from the kitchen.

Many of our common seasonings are mostly aromatic and are also Chinese herbal medicines, such as:

Anise, prickly ash, cloves, cinnamon, mint, sage leaves, etc.Fragrance and turbidity, but there are also differences in the nature and taste of the classics. Let’s introduce them below.


The star anise is the first.

Anise is rich in Guangxi, also known as star anise, star anise and aniseed.

flavorspicy and sweet, warm in nature; Warm the middle and move Qi, refresh the spleen and appetizers.

Becauseits aroma is unique and strong, it often changes the smell of food greatly, so it is very particular about the usage and dosage.

Otherwise, if you use too little, you won’t get the taste, and if you use too much, you will die.

As a child, I ate I have been to a kind of pickles that my grandmother pickled. It is fragrant and pleasant, and there is a slight sweetness in the salt. It is really delicious.

I asked her what she put in, and she told me, “It’s salt and star anise. Ah.”

I don’t believe it, because it doesn’t smell like star anise.

So I put the whole jar of pickles in a pot and tried to find out, but I still only saw star anise.

When I got home, I grabbed a handful of star anise and secretly put it into my grandma’s pickle jar, After a few days, if I eat it again, there is no fragrance at all, and the whole body has a strong smell of star anise, which is very unpleasant.

Later, see When my grandmother pickled vegetables, she discovered that the usage and dosage of star anise is very particular.

And these stresses cannot be expressed in writing. Only by groping and thinking in practice can you know them. bright.


Zanthoxylum bungeanum, both in north and south, warm in nature, sweet in taste .

Sichuan pepper is the best for medicinal use, and there is no particular place of origin for edible Sichuan pepper.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum, aromatic and turbid, warm and cold.

withwarming, appetizing, killing insects, dehumidifying, antidiarrheal and other functions.

It can remove the fishy smell, so a lot of pepper will be added when cooking fish.

But the pepper in the dish cannot be eaten directly. If you accidentally eat one, your mouth will numb for a long time, which is very uncomfortable. ;

Even in dishes, it is not advisable to put too much pepper, if too much, it will become hot , so people who have yin deficiency and internal heat should try to eat less.

Conversely, if people with yang deficiency and internal cold, they can eat more appropriately.

Bai Juyi “Song of Everlasting Regret” In it, it says “Old Jiaofang’s supervisor Qing’e”.

Jiaofang is a special house where ancient concubines lived. The walls are mixed with pepper powder and mud. Decorate outside.

This gives the room a slightly warm aroma.

A woman with a cold liver and kidney likes to smell the scent of Chinese prickly ash because it can affect her body. to the warm effect.

Xiayuan deficient cold is not easy to get pregnant, and living in a pepper room, the smell of pepper Smoked, can improve the cold constitution, improve the probability of pregnancy.

The ancient emperor’s family let the concubines live in the Jiaofang for the prosperity of the people.

However, the amount of pepper should not be too much, as it will consume gas and make it difficult for people to get pregnant.

So Jiaofang did not use a barbaric method to directly sprinkle Chinese prickly ash on the ground or pour it into pillows. Instead, the Chinese prickly ash is subtly ground into powder, mixed with soil into mud, and painted on the wall.

Pepper warm , the soil is sweet and flat. When the two are mixed together, the breath of pepper will become peaceful, and the breath of pepper will be released slightly without being too strong.

Jiaofang, which can be said to be a wonderful effect of Sichuan pepper to warm the liver.

Whether it is medicinal or To eat, the pepper must be opened and mature.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum is poisonous if it is not opened.

If you accidentally eat poisonous Chinese prickly ash, don’t panic, drink cold water to detoxify the prickly ash poison.


Lilac, and It is called chicken tongue incense, spicy and warm in nature, has the effect of warming the stomach, cures Stomach cold hiccupThe recipe is often used cloves.

Lilac has a special The role of remove bad breath.

When ancient ministers met with the emperor, they often contained a clove in their mouths to prevent bad breath from irritating Long Live Lord .

Halitosis is the turbid air in the mouth, cloves can aromatize the turbidity, and at the same time it can go down, attracting Stomach fever goes down.

Halitosis is mostly caused by stomach heat, and cloves draw the stomach heat down, which naturally relieves bad breath temporarily.

Cloves can also cure the poison of meat, fish and crabs, melons and fruits.

Because cloves are spicy and warm, it can relieve many cold toxins.

For example, crabs and shells that are very cold and poisonous; and melons and fruits that are too cold and humid.

The discomfort and disease caused by eating too much of these things can be relieved and treated with cloves.

The easiest way is to powder cloves, take about one gram, and serve with ginger soup.


Cinnamon, the bark of the cinnamon tree, is often used with cloves.

WeCinnamon, which is used medicinally to ignite fire, is on the trunk The skin, and the part closer to the ground, the better the effect.

For seasoning, use cinnamon from a branch.

bark on a branch Inexpensive, but similar to cinnamon.

They are allpungent and warm in nature, warm in the kidneys and qi, also has the effect of insecticide, pain relief, and detoxification.

It is also capable ofdetoxing the poison of birds and beasts, lings, melons and fruits< /span>.

The taste of cinnamon is very irritating, and the number of grams should not be too much when used as medicine. Generally, one to three grams is used. And it should be removed later.

However, when cooking, cinnamon should not be removed from the back, which will easily damage the taste of the dishes. .

It is best to stew with vegetables. After a long time of stewing, the cinnamon oil will evaporate, and finally There is only a little or no breath left, and it is combined with the taste of the dish to produce a more delicious taste.

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Clove warms the spleen and stomach, and cinnamon warms the liver and kidney. These are two spicy and warm seasonings, both of which go down .

Those that go down have to go up and disperse. This is mint and sage leaves.

Mint disperses the qi of the liver and lung, and perilla disperses the qi of the spleen and stomach.

< p data-track="121">mint

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Mint, spicy and cool in nature, has the properties of soothe liver and relieve depression and clear throat effect.

It is often added to pastries, candies, and throat-clearing lozenges.

Mint is spicy and has the effect of dispersing. If you eat too much, it will dissipate the infuriating energy.

Many people like to eat mint throat lozenges, if they are hot, they can eat;< /span>

If the voice is hoarse due to qi deficiency, the mints will get worse and worse.

Especially now, People use mint ice instead of mint, and the dosage added to the food is relatively large, and it is often a strong mint taste in the mouth, which is not good for the body.


< p data-track="136">Perilla, spicy and warm in nature, is a must-have seasoning for crabs.

Actually,Perilla can detoxify all fish and shrimp .

Perilla is a commonly used medicine for treating colds.When the common cold and cold just come up, use ten grams of perilla leaves, add three slices of ginger, and a few stalks of scallion white. Put some brown sugar and boil it, drink it and sweat a little, the effect is very good.

It should be noted that, It is best to get a good night’s sleep if you cannot see the wind for two hours after drinking.

Ginger is similar in properties to perilla. Ginger also has a significant effect: Aromatic moisturizing water drink, relieving vomiting span>, good for motion sickness.

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Now the epidemic situation is tense, fortunately, most areas There is no shortage of food. When cooking, we can use these aromatic spices as appropriate according to the specific situation.

Between a breath and a breath, we are communicating with the external environment;

Between a meal and a vegetable, we get along with the internal environment.

Share: Don Lue

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