Don’t panic for kidney stone patients, keep these 2 stone removal methods in mind, and let the stones be discharged by themselves

If a kidney stone occurs suddenly, it will not go up and down, and the pain will make people unable to straighten the waist. I believe no one wants to experience it again. If you pay attention, after a period of time, stones will recur again, so what should you pay attention to in your daily diet and life to reduce the occurrence of kidney stones?

The first is to drink a lot of water: once you drink less water, the amount of urine will decrease, and crystalline substances such as calcium, oxalic acid, and uric acid in the urine will precipitate and accumulate in the kidneys to form kidney stones. The stones may grow bigger and bigger. If the stones fall into the ureter and block the ureter, it may cause ureteral obstruction, hydronephrosis, renal atrophy, and even renal failure. Therefore, to prevent kidney stones, first of all, we must drink more water, at least 2000~3000 ml of water per day, or keep the daily urine output above 2000 ml, and be sure to drink some water after exercise and before going to bed , which can reduce the formation of crystals, which is conducive to the discharge of small stones.

The second is to adjust the diet according to the risk factors of stone formation: the main stone components in kidney stones are phosphate, urate and oxalate, of which about 80% are oxalate stones, so like Spinach, tea, celery and other foods with high oxalic acid content should be eaten less. For patients with urate stones, the intake of high purine foods such as seafood, beer and animal offal should be restricted. In addition, under the guidance of a doctor Use some drugs that alkalize urine, which is conducive to the dissolution of urate stones; and phosphate stones are usually formed in alkaline urine, mostly caused by the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body, so it should be limited Foods high in protein, calcium and phosphorus, including animal liver, dairy products, various types of nuts, and foods rich in calcium and phosphorus such as beans and soy products. As for what can and cannot be eaten, it is not absolute, but a relative concept. The most important thing is to adjust your dietary structure according to your stone composition and high-risk factors for stone formation.

The third is moderate exercise: if the B-ultrasound shows that the kidney stone is less than one centimeter, you can do some exercise in moderation, such as running, skipping rope, jumping, and tiptoeing. It can help the stones fall off under the condition of gravity and shock. In addition, under the guidance of a doctor, some drugs can be used regularly to prevent them, and they can also receive good results. However, if the kidney stone is relatively large, more than one centimeter, it needs to be actively treated under the guidance of a doctor.