People with high cholesterol should pay attention: eat these 6 kinds of foods regularly, or help reduce blood lipids

Cholesterol, as an important indicator of human blood circulation, is divided into three types: low-density lipoprotein, steroid hormones, and dehydrocholesterol. Its solubility is similar to that of fat components. , It is easy to supplement the energy and calorie substances that the body lacks.

Clinical biochemical test data values ​​can be used to know the standard range of one’s own cholesterol. Make active adjustments in a short period of time, so as not to hinder blood circulation, lead to blood oxygen viscosity, and induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, thrombosis diseases, and cerebral infarction diseases.

Cholesterol synthesis in human body mainly comes from external dietary supplements, and the absorption rate for high-quality protein, fat and glycogen substances is 25.3% , 2/5 of the ingredients are excreted through metabolism to achieve the effect of stable blood lipid and blood pressure levels.

Affected by age, the speed of blood circulation, metabolism, and gastrointestinal transformation will inevitably occur to certain extent. debilitated, and thus face the risk of high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, increasing the probability of disease.

If you want to stabilize your cholesterol level and prevent the induction of diseases, you must first regulate your own diet and avoid ingestion High-greasy, high-fat, and high-sugar foods should be light.


What abnormality occurs in the body, indicating that the cholesterol is too high and it induces high blood lipids?

1. Leg cramps span>

In the impression of most people, leg cramps and cramps are normal physiological reactions caused by lack of nutrients, usually in the In a short period of time, it can be relieved by the method of calcium supplementation by massage.

However, the cholesterol in the body develops in a high state, which leads to blood lipid disorders and lower extremity blood flow. The phenomenon of circulation obstruction and cramps, the stage from 1:00 to 2:00 in the evening is a high-risk induction period.

Cholesterol in the body develops in a state of accumulation, and it is inevitable that the operation of muscle tissue will be hindered, resulting in the deposition of a large amount of fat in blood vessels surface, increasing the risk of their own disease.

2. Dizziness and chest tightness

Excluding the influence of environmental factors and life factors, if dizziness and chest tightness occur in a short period of time, you should be vigilant in time to avoid high cholesterol The problem of hyperlipidemia caused by high blood pressure, the pain in the temple area is more obvious.

Within 2 to 3 weeks of onset, the patient is accompanied by aggravation of head dizziness. Short-term rest is used to adjust, and patients with more serious conditions even have a sudden syncope reaction.

3. Cold legs

< p data-track="17">Whether it is winter or summer, it will be in a cold state all year round. At this time, it is necessary to consider whether the cholesterol in the body is high, because the cholesterol is too high It will affect the blood in the legs or feet, and the lack of supply will cause a cold state.

Not to be confused with environmental induced cold legs, Be sure to carry out blood routine testing under the advice of your doctor to determine your own cholesterol and triglyceride levels.


People with high cholesterol pay attention: eat these 6 kinds of foods regularly, or help reduce blood lipids

Type 1: Corn

Corn, as a common coarse food product, is rich in vitamins and plant-based dietary fiber, which not only supplements the micronutrients lacking in the body, but also helps to promote gastrointestinal motility. , relieve the symptoms of constipation.

According to the extraction experiment of food nutrition components: the vitamin E, unsaturated fatty acid and folic acid contained in corn germ are Helps to improve the speed of blood circulation, achieve the purpose of blood oxygen dilution, indirectly remove low-density lipoprotein deposited on the surface of human blood vessels, and achieve the therapeutic effect of stable cholesterol level and stable blood lipid level.

Middle-aged and elderly people with high cholesterol levels and chronic metabolic diseases can eat corn properly. Method, to make the condition stable, pay attention to the cooking method for boiled.

Type 2: Hawthorn p>

When it comes to the fruit of hawthorn, most people think of strengthening the spleen and appetizing, improving appetite. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, hawthorn is sweet in taste, easy to activate blood and diuretic , nourishing yin and kidney, common food types are hawthorn cake, hawthorn roll, hawthorn slice.

Dietary fiber, crude fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin K contained in food can help promote gastrointestinal motility Vitality, increase the ability of pepsin to repair and synthesize, and prevent the decomposition and precipitation of fat components.

According to the extraction test of related disease components, it is shown that the acidic components contained in hawthorn are closely related to pharmacological anticoagulation. The drugs have similar functions and can effectively prevent hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases caused by high cholesterol.

People with chronic metabolic diseases can also promote their own blood circulation by soaking hawthorn in water. It also helps to supplement the inorganic salts and folic acid that the body lacks.

Type 3: Grapes

The lignin phenone and resveratrol substances contained in grapes can help to promote the speed of human blood circulation, achieve the effect of blood thickening and dilution, and indirectly stabilize Its own cholesterol and triglyceride levels can effectively reduce blood lipids.

According to the conclusions of relevant animal experiments, it is proved that the vitamins, dietary fibers and vine substances contained in grapes can also Effectively inhibits platelet coagulation ability, belongs to natural lipid-lowering food.

Type 4: Fungus p>

The fungus, as a mushroom food, is rich in polysaccharides. After being ingested into the human body, it helps to absorb the low-density lipoprotein, Lipid components, prevent the formation of atherosclerotic thrombotic plaques and blood stasis components.

But before cooking the fungus, be sure to do the pre-blanching work to completely remove the phytoacid and oxalic acid precipitated on the surface. Remove to avoid food poisoning reactions such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

No. 5: Oats

< span>The average price of oats sold on the market is controlled at about 22.5~25.3 yuan per pack, which is also the best choice for breakfast fast food. It is mainly composed of crude fiber and plant fiber, which can effectively promote the peristaltic vitality of its own gastrointestinal tract and achieve metabolism. The effect of stable speed.

Middle-aged and elderly people with high cholesterol levels can drink a cup of oatmeal a day to supplement the body’s The lack of micronutrients can achieve the purpose of promoting blood flow and stabilizing blood lipids.

When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the carbohydrate and sugar content of the packaged food, and avoid the total content exceeding 45.3%.

Type 6: Fish p>

The middle-aged and elderly people who have high cholesterol levels and induce hyperlipidemia will inevitably avoid meat products. The surface layer of blood vessels, aggravating their own disease.

The high-quality protein and oil contained in fish are easy to digest and absorb, and the rich unsaturated Fatty acid components help lower cholesterol levels and achieve lipid stability benefits. #Aile Health Guide#