Eating black sesame regularly can protect the liver and defecate! Doctor: Health benefits don’t stop there

When it comes to black sesame, everyone must be familiar with it. They know that it can be eaten as both food and medicine. Moreover, black sesame is rich in nutrients such as fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin E, lecithin, calcium, iron, chromium, etc. Regular consumption can play an excellent health care effect. So. What are the effects and functions of black sesame seeds? Let’s take a look!

1. Protect the liver and protect the liver

The liver-protecting and liver-protecting effects of black sesame are attributed to its powerful antioxidant effect, and Sesamin is the main component of the antioxidant effect of black sesame. People who regularly drink alcohol cause fatty acid metabolism disorders due to excessive intake of ethanol, and a large amount of fat accumulates in the liver, thereby degrading liver function. The sesamin in black sesame can regulate the metabolic enzyme activity of ethanol and fat, promote ethanol metabolism, and improve fatty acid oxidation, thereby reducing the damage of ethanol to the liver and the accumulation of fat in the liver. Therefore, people who drink regularly and eat some black sesame seeds can have a good protective effect on the liver.

Second, laxatives

Black sesame seeds are rich in oil, which can lubricate the intestines well , stimulate gastrointestinal motility. Therefore, for people with dry stools and difficult defecation, if they eat some black sesame seeds properly, they can promote the excretion of stool and effectively prevent and relieve constipation. However, it should also be noted that although black sesame has a certain laxative effect, black sesame alone cannot fundamentally treat constipation symptoms. It is best to seek medical treatment for symptomatic treatment in time.

Third, beauty and hair care

Black sesame seeds are rich in natural vitamin E, the content of which is higher than that of plant foods First of all, vitamin E is a good antioxidant, which can reduce the production of free radicals in the body and remove the metabolic substances of aging. Therefore, proper consumption of black sesame seeds can play a role in moisturizing and anti-aging.

In addition, eating more black sesame seeds can also protect hair and prevent premature graying of beards. Modern research has proved that the reduction of melanin secretion by melanocytes in hair follicles is the main reason for gray hair. Eating black sesame regularly can increase the synthesis of melanin, make the hair black and shiny, and delay the graying of the hair. But the difference is that black sesame can delay the graying of hair to a certain extent, but it is not that eating black sesame can make gray hair black again.

Four, calcium and iron supplementation

When it comes to food calcium supplementation, everyone usually thinks of milk, or other calcium supplementation products . But in fact, black sesame contains more calcium than milk. The calcium content in one hundred grams of milk is generally about 100 mg, while the calcium content in black sesame is nearly 800 mg per hundred grams. It can be seen that black sesame is an excellent calcium supplement food.

In addition, black sesame also contains a lot of iron, and regular consumption can also have a good effect of iron supplementation. For patients with mild iron deficiency anemia, eating black sesame is also a good choice.

V. Prevention of high blood pressure

The causes of high blood pressure are multifaceted, and one of the most important reasons is high blood pressure. salt diet. Experts recommend that each person consumes no more than 6 grams of salt per day, which is to limit the intake of sodium, but in real life, most people cannot do it. Therefore, it is very important to recommend a high potassium diet. Because one of the main functions of potassium intake in the human body is to promote the excretion of sodium. The potassium content of black sesame is high, but the sodium content is low. Eating some regularly can promote the excretion of sodium in the body, which can effectively control blood pressure and protect heart health.

Six, lowering cholesterol

Black sesame can lower cholesterol to a certain extent, maintain blood vessel elasticity, and prevent atherosclerosis hardening. This is mainly due to the unsaturated fatty acids contained in black sesame seeds, which can reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, thereby protecting cardiovascular health. In addition, the lecithin contained in black sesame is also the backbone of decomposing and lowering cholesterol.

Seven, Bushen Yijing

Black sesame has a certain effect of invigorating the kidney and nourishing essence, which can improve the soreness of the waist and knees, Dizziness, impotence, premature ejaculation, etc. For patients with mild kidney deficiency, eating some black sesame seeds regularly can play a certain role in adjuvant therapy. If you suffer from moderate or severe kidney deficiency, it is not recommended to simply take supplements.

Eighth, strengthen the brain and improve intelligence

Nutrition believes that black sesame contains more vitamin E, folic acid, Nutrients such as lecithin can play a better role in strengthening the brain and improving intelligence. Regular consumption can improve memory, especially suitable for office workers and students.

The above are the benefits of eating black sesame regularly. I would also like to remind everyone that although black sesame is good, it is not suitable for everyone. For people with enteritis or diarrhea, it is best to eat less or not to avoid exacerbating the disease.

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