National security legal education enters the forest farm

A few days ago, the Justice Bureau of Ewenki Banner of Hulunbuir, together with the Sinihe East Sumu Judicial Office, Wulan Muqi, and Banner Conflict Mediation Center of Hulunbuir went deep into the Weinahe Forest Farm to carry out a project to “build the overall national security of the prison”. View, appreciate the achievements of national security in the new era, and create a good atmosphere for the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The event vigorously publicized the National Security Law, Anti-Secession Law, National security laws such as the National Defense Law, the Anti-Terrorism Law, and the Cybersecurity Law.

The law popularization preacher explained the typical cases of national security legal education to the audience in the form of case interpretation.

The contest with prizes for legal knowledge related to the National Security Law greatly aroused the enthusiasm of the on-site personnel. Everyone raised their hands and participated actively, which inspired the Positivity to study law.

More than 200 legal brochures and publicity materials for the rule of law were distributed to the forest farm employees and the masses. The publicity team finally went to the herdsman’s house to conduct one-on-one safety education and publicity.

The activity further enhanced the political, ideological, and action consciousness of the employees and the public of the Weinahe Forest Farm to safeguard national security, and effectively strengthened the national security risks of the people in the forest area. The awareness of prevention has created a strong atmosphere for safeguarding national security, and further enhanced the influence and dissemination of the rule of law propaganda on National Security Education Day.