“Running the Lungs, Nourishing the Stomach, Nourishing Yin, and Promoting Jin” – Compatibility and Application of Ophiopogon japonicus

This product is the dried root of Ophiopogon japonicus, which is sweet and slightly bitter in taste and slightly cold in nature. It returns to the lung, stomach and heart meridians. , Clears the heart and eliminates vexation, mainly treats dry cough, lung carbuncle, yin deficiency cough, diabetes, upset insomnia, sore throat, constipation due to intestinal dryness, blood heat vomiting, etc. The details are as follows.

Heat, cough, lung carbuncle

Ophiopogon japonicus is sweet and cold, can nourish yin and moisten the lung, and also clears the lung heat, and can treat warm dryness or dryness pathogenic fire injury to the lung. Warm dryness invading the lung syndrome sees dry cough without phlegm or with little phlegm and sticky phlegm, often with mulberry leaves, Radix ginseng, Trichosanthes and other medicines to clear the lungs and moisten the dryness to relieve cough. In the case of the syndrome of transforming fire from evil, see expectoration with thick yellow sputum, and even chest pain and hemoptysis, use mulberry, asparagus, fritillaria, donkey-hide gelatin and other medicines to clear fire and moisten dryness, resolve phlegm to stop coughing and stop bleeding; , can be used together with platycodon grandiflorum for dispelling pus from the lungs.

Yin deficiency coughing hemoptysis

Ophiopogon japonicus is good at nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, and relieving deficiency and heat. For those with mild cough due to yin deficiency, it can be combined with asparagus, Anemarrhena, Fritillaria and other medicines to strengthen the power of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs; After a long period of time, if there is blood in the phlegm or hemoptysis, it should be mixed with Rehmannia glutinosa, Baibu, Baiji, Ejiao and other medicines to nourish yin and moisten the lungs, stop cough and stop bleeding. For those who have hot flashes and Guzheng, use Digupi, Artemisia annua, Turtle A and other medicines to nourish yin and reduce fever and remove steam.

Yin deficiency, dry mouth and throat

Ophiopogon japonicus nourishes yin, nourishes the stomach and produces fluid, and is good for dryness and heat or chronic illness due to injury to the stomach and yin, dry mouth, dry mouth, red tongue and little coating. The power of the stomach to produce body fluid is formulated as Yuzhu Maimendong Decoction and Yiwei Decoction in “The Diagnosis of Warm Diseases”. Can be combined with Pinellia, japonica, licorice and other medicines to reduce reversal and stop vomiting. The recipe is like Maimendong Decoction in “The Synopsis of the Golden Chamber”; for those with shortness of breath, lazy speech, persistent sweating, dry mouth and thirst for qi and yin injuries, it can be combined with Ginseng and Schisandra are used together to nourish yin and replenish qi.

Internal heat to reduce thirst

< span>Ophiopogon japonicus not only clears away heat, but also nourishes yin and promotes body fluid. It can cure internal heat and quench thirst. It is especially suitable for eliminating thirst with the middle and upper two. It is often combined with melon root, reed root, and cogongrass, etc., to clear heat and generate body fluid to quench thirst; , with Coptis chinensis, rehmannia glutinosa juice, milk, melon root juice, to purify fire, produce body fluid and quench thirst; if it is qi and yin injury, it can also be used as ginseng, schisandra, raw yam, etc., to nourish qi and nourish yin, promote body fluid and quench thirst .

Irritability and insomnia

Mai Dongshan Nourishes yin, clears the heart and removes irritability, treats irritability and insomnia, regardless of external or internal injury, it is especially suitable for those with yin deficiency and blood deficiency and heat. The syndrome is exogenous fever, evil heat spreads the camp, and the body is hot at night. It is often prescribed with water buffalo horn, dried rehmannia, salvia, honeysuckle and other medicines to clear the heat, cool the blood, benefit the yin, eliminate vexation and soothe the nerves. Differentiation “Qingying Decoction”; in the late stage of fever, those with both Qi and Jin injuries, asthenia and vexation and insomnia, are often combined with bamboo leaves, raw gypsum, ginseng, Pinellia and other medicines to clear heat and promote body fluid, invigorate Qi and stomach, eliminate vexation and soothe the nerves. Treatise on Febrile Diseases, Bamboo Leaf Gypsum Decoction; for chronic illnesses with insufficient yin and blood, insomnia due to deficiency, insomnia, red tongue and little coating, it can be combined with herbs such as Rehmannia glutinosa, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Suanzaoren and Baiziren to nourish yin and blood, nourish the heart and soothe the nerves. For example, Tianwang Buxin Pill; if blood deficiency, heart and kidney disorders are in a trance, palpitation, insomnia, forgetfulness and night sweats, use angelica with Baiziren, wolfberry fruit, Shudihuang and other medicines to nourish blood and soothe the nerves, and then use Baizi Yangxin Pill.

Sore throat

Ophiopogon japonicus nourishes yin, clears heat and relieves sore throat. It can cure sore throat due to yin deficiency and heat. It is often combined with Rehmannia glutinosa, Anemarrhena, Scrophulariaceae and other medicines to nourish yin and reduce fire, reduce swelling and soothe throat; For diphtheria who is re-infected with epidemic toxins, it can be used with Rehmannia glutinosa, Scrophulariaceae, Fritillaria, Cortex Moutan and other medicines to nourish yin and clear lungs, detoxify and disperse knots and soothe the throat. Other medicines, to purify fire and detoxify, soothe the pharynx and reduce swelling, such as “Puji Fang” Ophiopogon pills.

Intestinal constipation

< span> Ophiopogon japonicus nourishes yin and promotes body fluid, and can also moisten the intestines and defecate, treat yin deficiency and intestinal dryness and constipation, and if the pulse is heavy and weak, it is often used together with Scrophulari Bing Tiao Dian” Zengye Decoction; if the pulse is deep and strong, add Huang, Zhimu, Cortex Moutan and other medicines on the basis above, and play the power of moisturizing and ventilating together. Decoction; for those with yin deficiency due to heat and dry excrement, it should be combined with scrophulariaceae, rhubarb, mirabilite and other medicines to nourish yin and moisten dryness, relieve heat and relieve constipation.

blood fever and vomiting

Ophiopogon japonicus can clear and moisten the upper and middle burnt dryness and heat. It can be used together with the blood-cooling and hemostasis medicines such as Shengdi, Daxianji, Shengpuhuang, etc. to treat blood heat and vomiting. “Ancient and Modern Medical System” Maimendong San.

In addition, Ophiopogon japonicus can be taken orally to treat qi deficiency and blood stagnation. The medicines are used together to achieve the effect of nourishing yin and clearing milk.

It should be noted that it is forbidden for those with deficiency-cold diarrhea, damp-heat resistance, wind-cold or cold phlegm cough and asthma. Oral decoction of this product is usually 6~15 grams; or boiled paste, or powdered into pills. Appropriate amount for external use, pulverized for application, can be decocted for application, or freshly smashed for application. time: Source: China Traditional Chinese Medicine News 5th Edition Author: Wang Yelong