“My Understanding of Calligraphy”


The mention of calligraphy is not a simple concept. It has the same attributes as writing, but it also has intervals. Calligraphy includes the process of writing, but writing cannot be called calligraphy. Calligraphy includes Taoism, brushwork, ink, and composition. The cultivation of Taoism determines your character, bearing and mind. Remember the failure lessons of the emperor’s calligraphy class. The quality of your character determines the success or failure of your career. ; The skill of brushwork shows your experience and personality. Whether it is “cone painting sand” or “printing pad”, the word “light and light” is revealed; the ink style shows your innovation and practice, and the shades are interspersed. The interpretation of “leak marks” and the astringent and moist dialogue all highlight the mystery of ink painting; Zhang Lian expresses your cognition, appreciation and sublimation of life. Only with a deep feeling of photography, painting, sculpture, etc., your lines can A moving picture can be drawn. If you want to become a book writer, it is far from enough without the accumulation of time, without a lot of tempering, and without intelligence. If you want to be an apprentice, you can’t do it without your own personal characteristics. No matter how good Lin Tie Lin is, he is only a Lin Tie craftsman and a book slave.

In calligraphy, it is not enough to just write. What is more important is to have a considerable understanding of calligraphy, have your own unique opinions, and have a set of feasible and actionable mazes.

The calligraphy is profound, and Fang is a half-immortal.