The classic quotations of dealing with the world The truth of dealing with the world

Being a person and doing things is also dealing with people, which means that a person lives in the world and treats things and the way and methods of dealing with affairs, both positive and negative. Next, the editor has compiled some classic quotes about life for you, I hope you like it!

Classic of life Quotes

1. On the road of life, you should walk with your head held high when you go uphill, be cautious when you go downhill, look straight ahead when you are walking on Yangguan Road, and look down at your feet when you are walking on a sheep-gut road.

2. In the beginning of a person, don’t take others as a bully; in the evening, don’t take others as a humiliation; in front of others, don’t take yourself in public; When you are behind people, don’t slander people as monkeys; when you are above people, don’t treat people as people; when you are below people, don’t treat yourself as people.

3. ​​To be truly happy, one must be neither too smart nor too stupid. People call this state between smart and stupid as the wisdom of life.

4. Not disturbing the tranquility of others is compassion; not hurting others’ self-esteem is kindness. When people live, it’s good to shine their own light, and don’t blow out other people’s lights.

5. There is no need to seek merit in doing things, no fault is merit. There is no need to be virtuous, no resentment is virtue.

6. Always keep a childlike innocence. Innocent innocence is because of simplicity, and simplicity is the source of happiness. If you want to keep yourself away from sadness, you must keep your innocence from time to time. Don’t be too depressed, don’t think too much, just keep it simple.

7. If you don’t work hard, no one will ever be fair to you. Only when you work hard, have resources, and have the right to speak, can you fight for fairness for yourself. chance.

8. The greatest sadness and misfortune in life is: I haven’t figured out who I am and what I want, so I have lost my youth, my middle age, and my life. .

9. You don’t have to say everything you know, and you don’t have friends if you say everything. The person in charge does not have to be exacting, and the exacting is far too far. It is not necessary to be humble to respect people, and to be humble will result in fewer bones.

10. In one’s life, whether it is with family members, or with classmates, friends, colleagues, business partners, if you want to get their sincerity, you must first understand Cherish, only cherish can be matched with possession.

11. The best state of a person is that his face looks three or five years younger than his actual age, his mind is three or five years older than his actual age, and he has seen the darkness of the world. and pain, but still believe in its simplicity and beauty.

12. The highest state of being a person is not to keep a low profile or to be ostentatious, but to always be neither humble nor arrogant, explore the advantages of each person, and sincerely praise others.