The weather is hot and the legs are cold? Tongue image tells you which viscera has a problem and how to correctly refer to Chinese patent medicine

Summer is coming soon. If you still have cold legs at this time, you should pay attention to it. Is there something wrong with your body? Hello everyone, I am with the doctor, many people The weather is very hot, and you are still wearing long pants. If you take it off, your legs will be cold. What is the problem? Today, I will tell you the cause of cold legs with the doctor, and teach you a trick to regulate it.

First of all, we need to understand a few concepts. Why do we have cold legs? First of all, we need to find the reasons for our viscera. Which viscera is the most related to our legs? In Chinese medicine, the spleen controls the muscles of the limbs, the liver controls the tendons, and the kidney controls the bones. Therefore, the problem of the legs is most closely related to our three viscera. Deficiency of these three viscera will cause cold legs. Then we have to find the cause of the legs themselves. If there is congestion on the legs, the meridians on the legs are blocked. Will it also cause cold legs, and the blockage of the meridians on this leg is usually related to cold, so it is also called cold legs caused by cold blood and blood stasis. Therefore, in general, cold legs should be regulated from the three directions of liver, spleen, kidney, cold blood and blood stasis. How to determine which viscera problem is causing the cold legs? Next, I will tell you the answer through the tongue image with the doctor. cold. Put your tongue out and take a look, just like in the picture, the tongue is fat and full on both sides, with teeth marks. People like this are more common because the spleen and stomach are weak. At this time, you will not only feel that your legs are cold, but you will always feel that your legs are weak and weak, and the muscles in your legs are usually very soft. In this case, I will explain to you a Chinese patent medicine scheme. This Chinese patent medicine is called Buzhong Yiqi Pill. Buzhong Yiqi Pill has a very good effect of invigorating the middle and replenishing the qi, raising the sun and lifting the depression. When the temper is sufficient, the problem of cold legs is naturally relieved.

The second: If you often have cold legs, especially cold knees. When the tongue sticks out, it looks like the one in the picture. The base of the tongue is sunken and the tip of the tongue is thin. This is usually due to cold legs caused by deficiency of both liver and kidney. Such people will often feel that the waist and knees are sore and weak, and there will be problems of memory loss, frequent urination, nocturia, and even lower extremity edema. In this case, we will nourish the liver and kidney. , Warming yang and transforming qi, let me explain to you a Chinese patent medicine called Jinkui Shenqi Pill. Jinkui Shenqi Pill has a good effect of nourishing liver and kidney, warming yang and transforming qi, such as cold in the lower limbs, frequent urination, and edema. It is more appropriate to find it.

The third type: If the legs are cold, especially when it rains, it will be very cold and even painful. The tongue looks like the one in the picture, with dark purple tongue and tongue coating. Bai thick, this is usually caused by cold blood and blood stasis caused by cold legs, wind-cold and damp pathogens invade, causing blockage of meridians and collaterals, stagnation of qi and blood stasis, resulting in cold legs Cold in addition to paralysis, if this is the case for you. Let me interpret a Chinese patent medicine plan. This Chinese patent medicine is called Duhuoji Pill. Duhuoji Pill has the functions of nourishing qi and nourishing blood, soothing muscles and bones, dispelling wind and removing dampness. It is suitable for the waist caused by cold blood and blood stasis. The legs are afraid of cold and even painful.

The above are three common causes of cold legs, which one are you?