Why should we support Russia

Why should we support Russia in the eyes of many? This is a topic that makes sense. There are a hundred reasons that can make sense without explanation, and there is no need to debate.

But the reality is that the benevolent sees the benevolence, and the wise sees the wisdom; there are also those who have a blind eye, who cannot see Mount Tai; there are even those who are partial to their beliefs, ignoring the facts. Since the start of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the debate around whether to support or oppose Russia has not stopped. Although supporters are still in the majority, the voices of opposition are also endless, and it seems that they are not to be outdone.

Careful observation found that the common position of the opponents is to stand at the height of justice and morality, condemning Russia as a willful aggressor, despising Russia for bullying the weak, attacking the small, and even Blame, complain and ridicule Russia for “being born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other”.

If the Russian-Ukrainian war is only seen on the surface, maybe there is some truth to this argument, at least that’s how it is in reality. But to go a step further and see that the essence of this war is a war between Russia and the United States and Western countries, a war between Russia and NATO, I am afraid this is not the case. With the strength of one country, Russia is fighting against the entire Western country led by the superpower of the United States. It is obvious who is bigger and who is smaller, who is stronger and who is weaker.

Besides, everything has a cause and effect, and you should ask what it is. Historically, NATO has expanded eastward five times, and has developed its own territory and sphere of influence to Russia’s doorstep, making Russia uneasy at all times. Let’s talk about it, the Russian-Ukrainian war will not talk about the reasons but only the results, and the real “murderers” will be spared, and the “puppet facilitators” behind the agents will be spared. Russia is fighting this war. To put it nicely, it means that it is forced to have no choice; if it is to put it badly, it is a last-ditch effort.

It sounds ugly, doesn’t it? But this is the truth: a very ugly truth, an ugly truth, and a heart-wrenching truth. Don’t be unconvinced, there’s nothing you can’t think of, just look at Russia’s unsatisfactory play and performance in this war and you’ll understand everything.

It’s not that the Great Emperor doesn’t want a quick solution, but he really can’t go any faster; it’s not that the Great Emperor is negligent and underestimating the enemy, he is really powerless. There is wisdom in war, but in the final analysis it is all about strength.

Now, some people on the Internet say that this war is a long-planned and well-planned offensive by Putin the Great, aiming at overthrowing American hegemony and building a new world. pattern. I want to say that people who say this are either ignorant and fearless, or they are blinded by their blind worship of Putin. You’ve taken a wrong look and said that you’re bald. Putin the Great is not stupid for your sake, joking about the life and death of the country. War is the way he can’t do it. Because he understands: You may not win a battle, but if you don’t fight this battle, you will lose. Hit a punch, lest a hundred punches come.

To gamble is not the wisdom of the great emperor, but it shows the spirit of his great man!

For this reason, we already know why we support Russia. From a larger scale, it is the safety of the country, the national interest, and the safety of the country; in a small scale, it is the vital interests of you, me, and others, and a happy life for all of us.

Opponents like to speak from the height of justice and morality, so I will say more . A great man once said that whatever the enemy supports, we must oppose; whatever the enemy opposes, we must support. Now when it comes to the international situation, there is a saying that “the east rises and the west falls”. If this is true, we should understand the reason: descending is going down from a high place, ascending is going up from a low place, and one up and one down is the gap.

We can all see clearly, how could Emperor Putin turn a blind eye? The wise eastern powers must be more It is a clear sight. The severe situation does not allow us to be optimistic, nor does it allow us to stand idly by, already back to back, still care about holding hands? Do you still mind face to face?

Avenue to simplicity: national interests come first, national security first, and people’s well-being lofty.