“Xing” is a regulator, “Yi” is a fitness drug

Xinglai swiped a hundred pieces of paper, and the horses trotted across Kyushu.

I can’t create a book in calligraphy, so I’m troubled to ask for it.

——Su Shi

Su Dongpo’s “Shi Cangshu Drunk Ink Hall” expresses his dissatisfaction with the phenomenon of the world despising cultural knowledge. learning of knowledge. From a health point of view, practicing calligraphy is undoubtedly positive. The “Xing” and “Yi” here are the product of the synthesis of dynamic and static exercises, and are closely related to people’s physical and mental health.

Xing is a kind of human interest , is also a mood.

A good mood is not only spiritual The performance of the state of health, but also the manifestation of the state of health of the body. Peace of mind, normal diet, sleep, and mental activity, diseases rarely get close to the human body, because “righteousness exists, evil cannot do it”, which is the most basic understanding of the relationship between righteousness and evilness, health and disease in Chinese medicine theory View.

Calligraphy has the effect of regulating emotions. , calligraphy can make them still; for those who are angry, calligraphy can make them rest; for those who are depressed, calligraphy can make them happy; for those who are irritable, calligraphy can make them calm; for those who are sad, calligraphy can make them less; install.

All kinds of abnormal emotions will be in the process of calligraphy It needs to be adjusted in the atmosphere of concentration and concentration, so as to obtain the balance of yin and yang of the body.

Impression is a kind of human thinking , is also a thought activity.

Calligraphy is a special kind of labor , there is artistic creation, but also physical consumption. In layman’s terms, it is an organic combination of mental work and physical work.

Cultivation of sentiment by calligraphy is an invisibility to psychological activities purification and sublimation. The benign stimuli caused by it have positive effects on the human nervous system, respiratory system, digestive system, endocrine system, motor system, and immune system.

It is like a stimulant, Before you know it, you have taken another step forward on the road to a long and healthy life.

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