What are the hazards of commonly used western medicine for pulmonary heart disease?

Pulmonary heart disease is a relatively common heart disease in my country, and it is more common in patients over 40 years old. The prevalence of smokers in high altitude and rural areas is high. The vast majority of the disease develops from chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and mostly in winter due to respiratory infections leading to heart failure. The disease has a long course, and it is indispensable to deal with drugs. Today, let’s take a look at the commonly used western medicines and their side effects.

1. Diuretics hydrochlorothiazide tablets, torasemide tablets, spironolactone tablets, furosemide tablets (pulmonary heart disease How to treat it well)

2. Proprietary Chinese medicines and general medicines breviscapine for injection, Yixintongmai granules, Qiliqiangxin capsules, stable Xin Granules, Yi’anning Pills, Danhong Drops

3. Bronchodilator Tiotropium Bromide Spray, Fulu Shi (Acetyl Cysteine), Compound Methoxamine Capsules (Asme), Salbutamol Tablets, Aminophylline, Mucosolvan

4. Antibiotics Levofloxacin, Azithromycin Tablets, Penicillin, Cephalosporin

< p data-track="7"> 5. Cardiotonic agent digitalis, deacetylsaurin injection (cedilan), digoxin tablets, sauerkraut K (acute heart failure or exacerbation of chronic heart failure)< /p>

6. Other drugs Cetrine, Betaloc, Isosorbide Mononitrate Sustained-Release Tablets, Bisouping, Ambroxol Hydrochloride Tablets

Limitations and side effects of commonly used drugs in western medicine for cor pulmonale

1. Side effects of diuretics Many patients with cor pulmonale will take diuretics by themselves when they find that they have oliguria and lower extremity edema. As everyone knows, this may aggravate the condition. Electrolyte disturbances: low potassium, low sodium, low chloride, low calcium, low magnesium. Blood pressure drops; blood uric acid increases; glucose tolerance is impaired; azotemia; (where the effect of treating cor pulmonale is good)

2. Side effects of cardiotonic drugs The hypoxia caused by cor pulmonale can make the heart The sensitivity of digitalis is increased, and it is very prone to poisoning such as various arrhythmias and even sudden death. Gastrointestinal reactions, cardiac arrhythmias, neurological manifestations, visual changes.

3. Antibiotic side effects If antibiotics are taken for a long time, or as a preventive medication, not only drug resistance or other bacterial infections will occur, but the disease will continue to develop and worsen. In addition, due to the large-scale use of antibiotics, the ecological balance of the normal flora in the human body is destroyed, resulting in a decline in human immunity, inducing various complications, and greatly increasing the difficulty of curing the disease.

4. Bronchodilator side effects Theophylline bronchodilator (such as aminophylline) adverse reactions include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, excitement, tremor, palpitations, etc. The common adverse reactions of β2-receptor agonists (such as salbutamol) are tremor, palpitation, etc., which are obvious when the dose is large. Salbutamol tablets are also classified as stimulants, which can cause great harm to people’s physiology and psychology.

5. Limitations of Chinese patent medicines First of all, Chinese patent medicines have relatively small prescriptions, which cannot achieve comprehensive and comprehensive regulation, and cannot take into account the internal organs; and Chinese patent medicines are all fixed prescriptions. On the one hand, but individual differences are very large, so not everyone will have an effect after using the over-the-counter medicine. It is also because the prescription is fixed, and there is no way to adjust the prescription according to the improvement of the patient. Therefore, many patients can still relieve their symptoms by taking the medicine in the early stage. no effect. (Kong’s Shengde Church)

Pulmonary heart disease is a late manifestation of chronic respiratory disease, and the cause of death is pulmonary Repeated acute attacks of heart disease cause respiratory failure, heart failure and pulmonary encephalopathy, gastrointestinal bleeding, arrhythmia, shock and other serious complications. During the remission period of cor pulmonale, they can still do their daily life well. If cor pulmonale can be stabilized and kept in remission for a long time or the acute attack can be reduced, it can prolong life, reduce mortality and maintain a good quality of life.

Chinese medicine treatment can also be used, such as Kong’s Shengdetang’s traditional Chinese medicine prescription Compound Gancao Xixin DecoctionThe effect of treating pulmonary heart disease is remarkable. It is not as simple as sterilizing western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine, which will produce drug-resistant strains and make pulmonary heart disease a persistent disease. On the one hand, it can inhibit the metabolism of bacteria, and on the other hand, it can improve the function of cellular immunity and humoral immunity. It can phagocytose bacteria through the lymphokines of immunoglobulin, activate complement, neutralize toxins, fight infection, eliminate inflammation, and eliminate bacteria and viruses. While eradicating stubborn diseases of the respiratory system, its medicinal components can effectively restore and improve the immune function of the respiratory system, build a solid immune protective barrier, and prevent re-infection.