Can drinking more water reduce uric acid? Doctor: Remember 2 tips, uric acid drops quickly, gout dare not come

Summer is coming, and it is the season of gout. Why do people with gout or high uric acid be favored alone in summer?

This also starts with the source of uric acid. On the one hand, high uric acid is caused by the disorder of purine metabolism in the body. In summer, people are more likely to consume some purine-rich foods. Food, such as alcohol, beverages, meat, especially animal offal, seafood, etc. On the other hand, the temperature in summer is high, and the human body sweats a lot. If water is not replenished in time, the concentration of uric acid will increase, and it is easy to crystallize and deposit in joints. induce gout.

Therefore, patients with high uric acid or gout, in order to keep uric acid at a low level in summer, they should keep their mouths shut and drink more water.

Keep your mouth shut – adhere to the principle of low-purine, low-fat diet

Although the occurrence of gout is not entirely due to improper diet However, 80% of the reasons for repeated gout attacks are caused by non-avoidance. A low-purine diet consists primarily of reducing or eliminating the intake of foods high in purines.

Every 100g of food containing more than 100mg of purine is judged to be high-purine food. There are three categories:

Animal offal, basically every 100g of food contains more than 200mg of purine: chicken liver, duck liver, sheep liver, pig intestine, pig kidney, lung lobe, etc.

Seafood, such as clams, anchovies, sardines, saury, white hairtail, dried small fish (1538.9mg), shrimp, crabs, etc.;

In soups such as hot pot soup, pork ribs soup, chicken soup, etc., purines are soluble in water, causing more purines in stewed soups than in meat.

Patients in the gout attack period should not eat these three types of food, and patients in the stable condition should also control the amount. In addition, there are alcoholic beverages including beer, white wine, and red wine. Various beverages are also “big producers” of purines. Patients with gout or high uric acid should not drink it in summer.

Drink more water – accelerate uric acid metabolism

Patients must have heard the doctor’s advice to drink more water. It is generally recommended to drink at least 2000 ml of water a day, which is more conducive to the metabolism of uric acid. Uric acid itself exists in the blood. Drinking a lot of water can dilute the concentration of uric acid, thereby avoiding the deposition of a large amount of uric acid and joints, inducing gout, and increasing the amount of urine, which will also promote the metabolism of uric acid.

Drinking water also has some “specialty”, these points should be paid attention to:

First, the selection of water categories . Boiled water or soda water is the best choice, and tea, coffee, beverages, etc. cannot replace water. Soda water is an aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate, which is weakly alkaline, can neutralize gastric acid, and is also conducive to lowering uric acid levels. You can drink more appropriately. Tea can drink some light chrysanthemum tea, but do not drink strong tea, tea contains a certain amount of tannic acid, oxalic acid, drinking more is not good, the same is true for coffee. Not to mention fruit juices and carbonated beverages, which are high in fructose, which will cause an increase in uric acid, so gout patients cannot drink them.

Two, pay attention to control the intake and time. It is generally recommended to consume at least 2000 ml. However, there is a lot of perspiration in summer, so you should also pay attention to the appropriate adjustment of water intake and urine output. If there is a lot of perspiration, it should be appropriately increased by about 500 ml. There is no specific time for when to drink water every day. Generally, it is recommended to drink water properly in the morning and after dinner, and it can be allocated at other times. However, it should be noted that you should not wait until you are thirsty before drinking water.