In addition to myopia, these eye problems have also plagued parents for many years

Why are children prone to strabismus?

Because children’s ability to resist external threats is relatively weak, if they are attacked by eye diseases, their own vision development may be seriously affected, and strabismus and amblyopia are prone to occur. Wait.

Why are children more prone to strabismus?


Children, especially infants and toddlers with binoculars The visual function is not fully developed, and the extraocular muscles cannot be well coordinated, and any unstable factors can promote the occurrence of strabismus. Human’s monovision function develops gradually, just like visual function, it gradually develops and matures by repeatedly receiving the stimulation of clear objects from the outside world. Before the age of 5 years, children’s binocular vision function is not perfect, which is the high incidence period of children’s strabismus.

Congenital anomalies

This type of strabismus is mostly caused by congenital abnormalities in the location of the extraocular muscles , Abnormal development of the extraocular muscle itself, incomplete differentiation of the mesoderm, poor separation of the ocular muscles, abnormal muscle sheaths and fibrosis and other anatomical defects or the nerves that control the muscles are caused by paralysis. In addition, there are also genetic factors. Strabismus is inherited in the family and not all members. This defect is often inherited indirectly to the next generation of children. Strabismus usually occurs within 6 months of birth, which is called congenital strabismus. It does not have the basic conditions for establishing binocular vision, and it does great harm to the development of visual function.

Eye developmental characteristics predispose children to strabismus

Due to the small size of the eyeball, the axial Short, mostly hyperopia, and because children’s cornea and lens refracting force, ciliary muscle contraction force is strong, that is, the adjustment force is strong. Such children need more accommodative power to see objects clearly. At the same time, the eyes also forcefully turn inward, resulting in excessive convergence, which is easy to cause esotropia. This esotropia is called accommodative esotropia.

Insufficient central control of eye movement

If the convergence is too strong or the abduction is insufficient or The coexistence of the two produces esotropia; on the contrary, the abduction is too strong, the collection is insufficient, or the two exist at the same time, and the exotropia occurs.

What are the dangers of strabismus?

1. It affects the appearance and causes different degrees of psychological defects, especially the inferiority complex that will affect people’s life;

2, causing irreparable abnormal visual function. Severe cases do not have good stereoscopic vision. Stereoscopic vision is a visual function that only humans and higher animals have, and is one of the prerequisites for people to engage in fine work. If there is no good stereo vision, any object will be seen as a plane, without depth and distance;

How to prevent strabismus in children?

First of all, infants and young children should have a good living environment in the process of growth and development, pay attention to eye hygiene, such as within the visual field of infants and young children It is not advisable to place objects that strongly attract their eyes, so as to avoid strabismus caused by long-term staring.

Secondly, pay attention to a scientific and nutritious diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, especially vitamin, calcium and protein supplements, eat more whole grains, eat less candy, Balance the development of the eyeball and its muscles.

Remind parents that once they find that their child has strabismus, they should go to a regular hospital for ophthalmology in time, so as not to delay the opportunity, cause lifelong visual damage, or even cause the child to be mentally unable to healthy development. In short, only early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment can achieve satisfactory therapeutic effects.