White-collar workers, backbones, elites beware of this eye disease

“Middle pulp”

“Middle pulp” is also vividly likened to “water leakage”, which is a common posterior segment of the eye The disease, known as central serous chorioretinopathy, is a common macular disease caused by damage to the function of the retinal pigment epithelium.

“plasma disease” is common in young adults aged 25 to 50, and the incidence of males is significantly higher than that of females. It is more common in one eye, but also in both eyes. Patients have symptoms such as blurred vision, central vision loss, fixation shadows, visual distortion, and discoloration.

The etiology of mesoplasm is complex, and although the pathogenesis is still unclear, several known risk factors are:

Young and middle-aged men

Later pregnancy women


Type A personality (motivation, anxiety)

nervous and stressful

smoking and drinking , stay up all night


And many of those with these labels are “white-collar workers, backbones, elites” “Especially the young and middle-aged men who are competitive and impatient, if coupled with workplace pressure, smoking, drinking, and staying up late, it is really incredible.

Under normal circumstances, mesoplasma is a self-limiting disease, and most patients can recover on their own within a few months and their functions are restored. If the prognosis is good, it will not affect future vision, but there are also some patients, if they fail to use their eyes scientifically, it may also lead to repeated episodes of the disease, delayed healing, and long-term “leakage” of the fundus.

Although “Zhongpu” is a self-limiting disease, it is necessary to pay attention to emotional management and mental health after the disease, avoid staying up late and drinking too much, and pay attention to preventing colds. It is still recommended that patients go to the hospital for examination . “The causes of vision loss and blurred vision are complex and require a doctor’s timely diagnosis. Even if it is ‘medium plasma’, a doctor’s observation of the disease stage is required, regular review, and monitoring of the absorption of retinal fluid. If symptoms persist after one month It is necessary to take timely measures.”

Patients with “medium plasma” can take medicine in the early stage and take more rest to improve, but if the long-term effusion has not been absorbed, it may cause Irreversible functional impairment requiring treatment. At present, the main treatment methods are: ordinary laser, photodynamic therapy, drug-assisted treatment, etc., and different treatment methods can be selected according to the location, scope and severity of the patient’s leakage.