They are all here! The “small community” of residents is becoming a “big family” in the fight against the epidemic!

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Community is the first “pass” for epidemic prevention and control, and also the “main front” for epidemic prevention and control.

Since this round of epidemic, to support the grassroots To win this tough battle against the epidemic, the Huangpu district coordinating organs, enterprises and institutions settled down party members and cadres, cadres and workers who lived in the community and turned into anti-epidemic forces, deputies to the local people’s congress, members of the CPPCC, etc., took the initiative to report to the place of residence 4 support forces, including the party members and volunteers, have settled in the streets and communities. While implementing epidemic prevention measures, they have ensured the basic life of residents and emergency medical treatment, and ensured the supply of living materials for the “last 100 meters”. Do everything possible to ensure the bottom line of people’s livelihood.

sinking a line,

From “single action” to “group effort”

In the early morning of April 14th, Wu Jing, secretary of the Party branch of Ruinan Residential Area, Wuliqiao Street, was bringing a couple of underdressers dressed in “big white” Shen grassroots party members, walking through the streets and alleys, shuttled between the buildings of the community, delivering anti-epidemic materials to the residents.

“At the beginning of the epidemic, to be honest, our neighborhood committee cadres were really worried.” Wu Jing told reporters that the neighborhood committee There are only 6 people on the post, and it is necessary to serve more than 1,800 residents in the residential area. “Doing nucleic acid, sending antigen self-testing agents, and sending anti-epidemic materials, especially some household fruits, vegetables and rice noodles, I thought that many people were waiting, but when I saw the staff of the neighborhood committee, I was very anxious.”

Well, soon , Huangpu District quickly established an interconnected and interactive scheduling system of “district social mobilization group-department unit-street community”. The whole district coordinated more than 4,000 personnel from institutions, institutions and enterprises, and transformed 1,814 district-level officials into sub-district work. Power, make good use of the 13,576 in-service party members and 560 people including district people’s congress representatives, CPPCC members, and United Front representatives who have registered in the community to help work in the streets and communities, and scientifically deploy and make reasonable arrangements according to the actual situation at the grassroots level.

In the Ruinan residential area where Wu Jing is located, the volunteers from the government’s sinking, the party member volunteers and residents who reported to “Pioneer Shanghai” Volunteers, social organization volunteers and other forces all came to report, “We have established a temporary party branch, with an average age of less than 40 years old, including city-level party and government organs, state-owned enterprises, ‘two new’ enterprises, financial institutions Party members from all walks of life, such as industry and education, all have the same goal to serve every resident of the residential area.”

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Yao Aifang, a member of the temporary party branch, told reporters that she signed up for the community anti-epidemic program from the “Pioneer Shanghai” applet in the volunteer team. “At a critical moment in the fight against the epidemic, as a party member, I deeply feel the responsibility on my shoulders, and I have an obligation to communicate with the cadres of the neighborhood committee.Let’s protect the city of Shanghai together. “These days, Yao Aifang’s volunteer work has become more and more convenient. She cares for the elderly living alone, helps with dispensing medicine, and distributes vegetables. As soon as these tasks are posted in the WeChat group, everyone will immediately claim it. “Although it is hard, we are willing to fight for the resistance.” Contribute your strength to the epidemic. ”

Party members take the lead,

From the difficult point to the “last 100 meters”


Currently, the prevention and control of the epidemic in Shanghai is still at a critical stage, and the community epidemic prevention work is full of problems. How to solve the most urgent problems of the common people?

Recently, according to the requirements of the whole city, Huangpu District has actively carried out three special actions of “health protection”, “special care” and “building party building”. Carry out the “Zero Distance Home, Neighborhood Watch” and “Five Ones” actions under the current actual situation: that is, to reveal the identity of party members and establish a party group; to find the backbone of the geese and choose a building team leader; to mobilize volunteers , forming a home group; sorting out special groups to form a mutual aid list; doing mass work and spreading positive energy. All these have only one purpose, that is to continuously clear the difficulties and block problems in the community and serve the community well and the “last 100 meters” of the masses.

In special periods, the elderly living alone, the disabled and the demented, children and children living alone, and the disabled People with special difficulties and other groups with special difficulties need more care. Among these groups with special difficulties, the demand for food delivery is particularly prominent.

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After learning about the difficulties in this community, many caring party members who reported to the party extended a helping hand. Chen Xi is the owner of a brand company. These days, he leads more than 20 friends to become “amateur riders”. He picks up meals at the Dafugui Liyuan store on time for three meals a day. Send it to various points, and get through to the “last 100 meters” of people’s homes.

There are both pick-up and delivery. Many time-honored employees in Huangpu could not return to their communities, so they reported to the community at their posts, and continuously sent love meals to various streets and communities in Huangpu. Xinya’s sloppy fish fillets, Shao Wansheng’s hometown bacon, Lao Datong’s rice, Taikang’s sausages… Focusing on special groups such as the orphans and the elderly in difficulties in the closed area, the registered party members actively seek out the needs of the masses and do a good job of flexible supply. To ensure the basic living of more disadvantaged groups.

At present, in Huangpu’s fight against the epidemic, the work of party building to lead social mobilization is still escalating. With the continuous increase of registered party members in various communities, up to now, Huangpu has established 169 temporary branches for registered party members, 3,262 party groups in building groups (buildings), and the coverage rate of party organizations in building buildings has reached 95%. These numbers are still rising, and the community’s anti-epidemic forces are constantly gathering.

In Huangpu, the small community of residents is becoming a “big family” in the fight against the epidemic.