Small tongue to check health, teach you 6 common spleen diseases self-examination, simple and practical

Traditional Chinese medicine clinically includes the four diagnosis and ginseng, and tongue diagnosis has a unique charm. It is also a method to assist diagnosis and identify the rise and fall of qi and blood in the viscera. It is the seedling of the heart.” Outside the spleen, the coating is produced by the stomach qi. At the same time, the tongue is also a movie showing the rise and fall of the viscera. Traditional Chinese medicine can basically see that the tongue is inseparable, and the changes of the viscera and six viscera are also in the tongue. shown above. Today, I will share the common clinical spleen and stomach diseases, and teach you how to understand their health status through tongue images

1. Liver qi invading stomach< /span>—— Liver-qi stagnation, reversal invading the stomach, stomach-qi stagnation, which mainly focus on soothing the liver and relieving depression, regulating qi and relieving pain

Main symptoms: epigastric pain, irritability

Symptoms: chest tightness, suffocation, restless sleep at night, stomach bloating, indigestion, hot hands and feet, and profuse sweating

< span>Tongue manifestations: red tongue, fat tongue, white coating

2. Moderate dampness and heat resistance——damp heat accumulation, stomach qi obstruction , this type is mainly to clear away damp heat, regulate qi and stomach

Main symptoms: some dull pain in the stomach, bitter and sticky mouth


Performance: oily head and face, upset, insomnia, hot palms, dry mouth and bitter taste, bloated stomach, palms Fever, soreness of waist and knees, frequent urination, urgency of urination, hot palms

Tongue manifestations: red and fat tongue, sunken tip of tongue, sunken base of tongue , with white greasy moss in the middle and lower parts

3, Phlegm dampness middle resistance——phlegm turbidity stagnation, spleen dysfunction, qi disharmony, this type is mainly to remove dampness and phlegm, regulate qi and neutralize span>

Main symptoms: stomach fullness

Performance: dizziness, chest tightness and suffocation, bloating, indigestion, chronic pharyngitis, acid regurgitation, low back pain, cold lower limbs, and heavy body

Tongue manifestations: the tongue is sunken and the coating is white and greasy

4. Weak spleen and stomach——spleen and stomach Weakness, dereliction of health and fortune, failure of ups and downs, these are the main symptoms of invigorating Qi and strengthening the spleen, promoting clearness and lowering turbidity

: Stomach feels very bloated, likes hot, likes to be pressed , anorexia, stomach pain, loose stools, diarrhea /span>

5. Internal stagnation of food stagnation——Due to internal stagnation of food stagnation, the qi movement is blocked, causing the turbid qi to reverse upward. Stomach Jiangni

Main symptoms: acid regurgitation, vomiting, stomach pain

Performance: dizziness, vomiting, acid reflux, bad breath, peculiar smell in the mouth, easy diarrhea, sore waist and knees, cloudy urine p>

Tongue manifestations: white, thick and greasy tongue coating

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6. Deficiency of Kidney-Yang——The fire of the gate of life is weakened, and the spleen loses warmth. Kidney strengthens spleen, solidifies and stops diarrhea

Main symptoms: diarrhea, diarrhea, diarrhea at five or six in the morning< /span>

Symptoms: dizziness, forgetfulness, chest tightness, shortness of breath, stomach pain, poor appetite, diarrhea, chills in both lower extremities, diarrhea, Soreness and weakness of waist and knees

Tongue manifestations: fat tongue, tender tongue, sunken tongue

The above six types are relatively common types. You can test yourself. If you have the above situation, please find a professional in time doctor for conditioning!