What happens to people who don’t eat dinner for a long time? Not only can you not lose weight, but also bring these 4 consequences

As the saying goes, “eat well in the morning, full in the afternoon, and eat less in the evening”, it is not difficult to see the importance of breakfast and lunch, one is nutritious, and the other needs enough weight to cope with the long afternoon time. And if you eat less late, it means that less is good for your body, so if you don’t eat at all, will it be more beneficial to your health?

Long-term skipping dinner, in addition to losing weight, will also bring these 4 consequences

1. The stomach is damaged

If there is no new food entering the stomach for a long time, it will be in a state of “vacant operation”, and excessive stomach acid will corrode and damage the stomach mucous membranes, causing damage.

2. Reduced immunity

Often skipping dinner will cause malnutrition, This in turn leads to a decrease in resistance and causes various diseases. Therefore, we should pay attention to the regularity of our diet and obtain the nutrients our body needs, so as to maintain a strong resistance.

Many people do not eat for a long time, and the nutrients they need are not provided in time, so these people do not have as much energy to resist external damage, which leads to a decline in human resistance.

3. Accelerated Aging

Skipping dinner may lead to insufficient protein intake, This in turn affects the function of the entire body. For example, for some women, they think that skipping dinner can lose weight and make themselves more beautiful. However, skipping dinner may cause the skin to become dull and dull, and it will also accelerate collagen production. If it is lost, it will be particularly prone to aging, and even endocrine disorders will occur.

4. Aggravated constipation

Under normal circumstances, patients with habitual constipation must eat on time Yes, if you don’t eat dinner for a long time, it is easy to aggravate the condition. You can eat a little less at dinner, and you can eat some vegetables and fruits properly, which is conducive to regulating constipation and reducing weight.

Long-term improper diet can lead to gastrointestinal discomfort or constipation. Doing 3 things in place will help you to have a quick bowel movement, or you can do more with less

1. Drink a glass of water every morning

After getting up in the morning, the body has gone through a night of rest and sleep. in a state of severe dehydration. If you can drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach after getting up in the morning, it can effectively clean up the stomach and promote defecation.

2. Develop good bowel habits

Developing good bowel habits in life will also can help alleviate to some extent. For example, if you have more free time each morning, set a time point for your bowel movements each morning. In the beginning, even if you are not constipated, you should go to the toilet on time. This habit can help your body form a conditioned reflex. After long-term adherence, the body will send a defecation signal at this time point.

3. Rational drug use

For severe constipation, it is necessary not only to correct bad habits in life, but also to take appropriate medication. There are many medicines to relieve constipation in life, such as Shouhui Laxative Capsule, Niuhuang Shangqing Pill, Senna, Kaisailu, etc. Shouhui Tongbian Capsule is one of the most widely used ones, which can help to regulate the spleen and stomach, nourish the kidney yin, nourish qi and blood, so as to better achieve the effect of moistening the intestines and defecation. The formula also includes Polygonum multiflorum for nourishing yin and blood, ginseng for invigorating kidney and qi, Atractylodes for invigorating spleen and promoting body fluid, and aloe vera for effectively promoting intestinal peristalsis and improving digestive function, thereby effectively helping relieve the symptoms of constipation.

For constipation patients, it is necessary to change bad habits in life, so as to better help relieve the symptoms of constipation and improve the occurrence of constipation. In addition, for healthy people, they should also take care of their own bodies in peacetime. Once symptoms of constipation appear, they should be treated as soon as possible.