After being discharged from the square cabin, I almost ended up on the street

This article was written by Yu Ji

According to the People’s Daily, on the morning of April 10, the first batch of patients from the Shanghai New International Expo Center Fangcang shelter hospital were discharged. The discharged people came from the N1-N5 cabins of the Fangcang cabin hospital, with a total of more than 700 people.

The discharge standard of the Xinguobo Fangcai is guided by the “New Coronary Virus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Program (Trial Version 9)”. The patient has undergone two consecutive nucleic acid tests, and the result is negative; and sampling The time interval should be at least 24 hours; the patients who meet the above conditions can be discharged only if they have no fever for 3 consecutive days and the respiratory symptoms have improved significantly.

But at the same time, there are also many patients and even medical staff who have posted on the Internet that they are faced with the situation of being unable to return home after leaving the cabin, and it is not that they cannot enter the closed-loop management according to regulations. The process; that is, after the closed loop is still blocked, even if a negative nucleic acid certificate is issued, the community is still rejected.

After I was discharged from the hospital, I almost ended up on the street

On April 13, a number of Shanghai residents told Lilac Garden that they had ended their isolation from the Fangcang shelter hospital as required, and when they arrived at the gate of the community with the “discharge summary” certificate issued by the hospital, He was told that he could not go home for the time being due to a positive patient at home.

After 12 days of isolation, Qin Yu (pseudonym) finally received a “discharge summary” issued by the Shanghai New International Expo Center Fangcai Hospital (hereinafter referred to as “Xinguobo Fangcai”), which clearly stated Author: “The patient has two consecutive negative nucleic acid tests for the novel coronavirus, and is released from quarantine management according to the “Diagnosis and Treatment Program for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia” and relevant regulations of Shanghai.

Image source: provided by Qin Yu

This means that after the long quarantine is over, Qin Yu can leave the cabin and return home normally.

But he didn’t. On the morning of April 12, Qin Yu was blocked when he returned to the community at No. 383 Dongming Road, Zhoujiadu Street, Pudong New Area, Shanghai by the unified bus. Risk of infection, temporarily unable to return.

Qin Yu explained to Lilac Garden that the positive old man at home was his grandmother. On April 2, Qin Yu and his family took an antigen self-test at home. Except for his grandmother who was positive, Qin Yu and his parents were both negative. However, Qin Yu, who consciously had symptoms of infection, still reported the situation to the community. The community arranged for his family members to carry out nucleic acid tests on the same day. The nucleic acid results showed that both he and his grandmother were positive, while their parents were still negative.

On April 5, Qin Yu received a notice from the Sub-district Office that the staff of the district CDC would arrange for them to be transported to the cabin. Because the grandmother was old and had diabetes, it was inconvenient to transport. The community agreed, and in the end, he was the only one who was transferred to the Xinguobo Fangcai for isolation, and his parents stayed at home to take care of his grandmother.

What puzzled Qin Yu was that his grandmother tested positive with him on April 2nd, and he was quarantined in the cabin for 12 days. Now his symptoms have improved, and he has done nucleic acid tests twice. The results were all negative. Why hasn’t my grandmother done nucleic acid for the past 12 days?

The residents of the community told Qin Yu that the community has repeatedly reported requests for nucleic acid testing of his family members, but he has not received any response.

He wanted to go home, and he promised the community that if he got infected again, he would pay for the cost and any consequences, but was rejected. At the gate of the community, Qin Yu repeatedly called 110, 12345 Citizen Hotline, Zhoujiadu Sub-district Office, Pudong New Area Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and Shanghai Municipal Health Commission for help, but to no avail. In the end, the police placed him in a hotel near his home. The hotel required a one-time payment of the 14-day quarantine fee. Qin Yu paid a total of 3,340 yuan to check in. “After coordination, only this hotel is willing to accept it. It’s better to be on the street.”

Image source: provided by Qin Yu

Having the same experience with Qin Yu is Yang Guohua (pseudonym) who lives in the same community. Yang Guohua, who is in his 50s this year, also received a “discharge summary” from the Xinguobo Fangcai yesterday. He and Qin Yu returned to the community together and were blocked at the gate at the same time.

Yang Guohua told Lilac Garden that he called the street, public security, 12345, district CDC and no one could handle it. Until 24:00 in the evening, he was arranged to live in the community activity room Next, there are sleeping bags and camp beds in the activity room. “It doesn’t matter if you can live anyway.”

Different from Qin Yu, Yang Guohua’s entire family was tested positive for nucleic acid. Because the mother in her seventies was older, she was also allowed to isolate at home alone.

Yang Guohua told Lilac Garden that other family members are still in quarantine at the Fangcang shelter hospital and have not received a notice of release. He has told his family members not to come back even if they can be discharged from the hospital. No one gets tested, and no one comes to solve the problem. As long as the test is positive, I don’t have to go back. I don’t mind going to the hotel, but no one gets tested.”

Spear and Shield: In and Out

Recently, a warm reminder from Shanghai Ruixin Neighborhood Committee has been circulated on the Internet. The content of the document shows:

For confirmed cases, even if the antigen self-test is negative, the doctor will not come to the door to re-test the nucleic acid again, and will not be released from isolation. They must go to the shelter and be cured and issue a release form; Residents who need to be transported according to regulations, if they refuse to be transported. For individuals, if they do not go to the square cabin, they will always have a red code and never take off their hats.

Lilac Garden then called the Ruixin Neighborhood Committee and confirmed the authenticity of the contents of the document to the staff of the Neighborhood Committee. The staff said: “Your own negative test is useless. You must go through the process of disease control. After two 48-hour nucleic acid tests, if they are all negative, you can be converted to negative. Anyway, go to (fangcang) ) must have to go, otherwise it will definitely not work.

Image source: Internet

On the one hand, it is an initiative to enter the cabin based on community safety, and on the other hand, what the neighborhood committee needs to solve is the placement of a large number of patients out of the cabin.

From April 10th, Shanghai Fangcang cabin patients have been discharged one after another.

A staff member of the neighborhood committee where Qin Yu belongs told Lilac Garden: “Now, according to different policies of each place, for example, if there are positive cases in the family, they must come back now, but there are still An old man is positive and has not been transferred. In this case, he cannot go back. Now we upload it every day, but we don’t know when we will wait. There are still many positive people in the community to transfer. We are also in touch with the disease control. However, we have not received any reply to any news, including the health code reported by the residents becoming a red code, and the nucleic acid report being reviewed – we don’t know this information, and the CDC has not given us any news. We reported it to the top every day, saying These people want to do nucleic acid quickly, but there is no reply.

The only level we can upload is the street, (these things) have been urged, We have even called the complaint phone ourselves, uploading and urging every day, but urging It’s no use, we don’t know what the above are doing, what problems they are thinking, and 120 has never been called. We are also very helpless about this matter.

Look, how many of us have to be lost for a few positive people? “

Lilac Garden repeatedly called the Pudong New Area Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, etc., but the phone kept saying that it was on the phone, or it was directly hung up.

Going home

On April 10, Wu Ganyu, a first-level inspector of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, said: “Since the outbreak, as of yesterday, more than 11,000 patients have been discharged from hospital and those who have been released from medical observation.” strong>I would like to stress here again that for those who are discharged from the hospital and released from medical observation, the territorial must do a good job of connecting them, allowing them to go home, not blocking them, and cooperating with their home health monitoring.”

According to CCTV news reports, as of 24:00 on April 13, there were 56,526 positive infected people in the six cabins, and a total of 79,983 positive infected people had been treated. In the past two days, there have been more than 2 Thousands of citizens return home in peace.

On April 13, 6,700 patients are expected to be discharged from the Fangcang shelter hospital of the New International Expo Center, including more than 4,600 patients from Pudong New Area, which is also the largest batch of discharged patients in Shanghai. (planned by: Leu.)