Moxibustion at Shentang Point: Treatment of insomnia, dreaminess, trance, chest tightness

Hello everyone, I am the teacher of Xiaojiu from Jiuxuanai

Today, I would like to introduce to you an acupuncture point that can calm the mind and recuperate the soul – God Tang acupoint

Shentang acupoint belongs to the bladder meridian of Foot Taiyang, which can treat mental diseases, widen the chest, regulate qi, and calm the mind.

Shentang acupoint is located on the back, which should be used for the heart and lungs, communicate with the heart and lungs, and is the place where the mind travels and retains, so it has the effect of widening the chest and regulating the qi, calming the heart and soothing the mind. The treatment of heart and lung diseases is also the acupoints for conditioning mental diseases.


On the back, under the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebra, next to 3 inches open.

Moxibustion clinical acupoints

1. Insomnia and Dreams

Shentang Point, Daling, Shenmen, Sanyinjiao, It can calm the mind and calm the mind, treat palpitations, insomnia and dreaminess.

2. Trance

God Tang acupoints, Sishencong, Shenting, Neiguan, Shenmen, Taichong can refresh the mind and heal the trance.

3. Chest tightness and heartache

God Tang points, Jueyinshu, Zhiyang, and Neiguan can relax the chest and regulate qi, and treat chest tightness and heartache.

4. Chest tightness and shortness of breath

Shentang Point, Feishu, Dingchuan, Lieque, Chize can widen the chest and regulate qi, disperse the lung and relieve asthma, and treat chest tightness and wheezing.