The hot and cold spring is the season of high incidence of this disease! Prevention please do 5 points

With the development of society and economy, the average life expectancy of people is getting longer and longer, and many countries have gradually entered an aging society. Countries such as Germany, Japan and Italy are currently aging relatively serious.

After our country enters the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, it is expected that the elderly population will reach about 300 million people, entering a moderately aging society, so how to make the elderly live happier feel? What are the characteristics of old age? What diseases are you susceptible to when you are old?

Chronic bronchitis is a high-risk disease of the elderly

To judge whether a person is old, not only by age, but also by Depends on your physical and mental condition.

Main manifestations of aging:

Changes in body functions: shorter and lighter, brittle bones, and decreased exercise capacity;

Reduced perception: vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell…

Reduced nervous system function: reactive changes sluggish;

disease resistance: prone to rheumatism, hypertension, heart disease, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other chronic diseases of the elderly.

Among them, chronic bronchitis is a common disease of the elderly, and bronchitis is a respiratory disease that has a high incidence and can occur throughout the year.

The changeable weather in spring, fluctuating cold and hot, coupled with the increase of allergen bacterial infections, can easily lead to the onset of respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and asthma, and sometimes patients have no warning Symptoms begin to attack, such as cough, chest tightness, shortness of breath, wheezing, low-grade fever, and excessive phlegm, which brings a lot of inconvenience to the patient’s life and study.

How to distinguish common cough and chronic bronchitis?

Old chronic bronchitis will experience symptoms such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, continuous coughing, and yellow sticky phlegm. Phlegm-dampness is a very important pathological product in traditional Chinese medicine. Sputum is divided into stubborn phlegm and new phlegm. Those with stubborn phlegm are patients with old and chronic bronchitis. If you take a film, you will clearly see that the phlegm hangs on the trachea. New phlegm mainly refers to the phlegm caused by a cold and cough. It is relatively thin and easy to cough up. , stubborn phlegm is very difficult to come out.

How can we avoid chronic bronchitis in spring?

Prevent bronchitis by doing these 5 points

1 to adjust the diet

As a person with possible bronchitis or a history of bronchitis, pay attention to adjusting the spring diet. You can try to eat some foods rich in vitamin C and add enough protein and water.

2Do a good job of keeping warm

“Wind is the longevity of all diseases”, “Don’t be cold in spring, cold will hurt the lungs”. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the law of “spring cover autumn freezing”, pay attention to cold protection, wind protection and warmth, according to weather changes and physical conditions, timely increase or decrease clothes, wind protection and cold protection, in order to adapt to sudden changes, astringe yin and protect yang, prevent diseases and health care.

3Keep indoor ventilation

In spring, everything recovers, and the “spring” of many viruses and bacteria has arrived. The temperature and humidity in spring provide a breeding ground for a large number of bacteria and so on.

Although the outdoor wind is strong in spring, it is necessary to maintain the indoor temperature while ensuring ventilation, avoid the retention of bacteria, etc., keep the indoor dry and clean, and create a comfortable living environment for yourself to the greatest extent.

4Avoid pollen and beware of allergies

People with allergies should pay attention to avoiding pollen and other allergens, it is best to go out wear mask.

5Active exercise

Spring is a good time for all things to germinate, and it is also a golden season for physical exercise. Therefore, it is necessary to “go to bed early and get up early, and take a wide walk in the courtyard”, or to visit the countryside, or to climb the mountain, or to practice boxing and aerobics, or to take a walk and jog.The activities of the point can not only make the body’s qi and blood smooth, evacuate the stagnation, prevent diseases in the bud, but also open up the mind, improve the mood, and enhance the physical fitness.

Have a good attitude, don’t get angry; don’t be lazy, exercise more; This is the life wisdom of Lang Yulin, the founder of Lang’s Traditional Chinese Medicine. We should also pay attention to the little things in our daily life so that we can live a healthy life.

(National Health Care)

Source: Beiqing Network