[First line for agriculture, rural areas and farmers] Hewan Village, Zhongshan Town: Develop Characteristic Industries and Broaden New Ways to Increase Collective Income

In order to improve the quality of agricultural development and increase farmers’ income, in recent years, the Zhongshan Town Party Committee and Town Government have insisted on revitalizing the industry As a powerful starting point for rural revitalization, it will coordinate resources such as village collectives, village-level cooperatives, and leaders of getting rich, and focus on the actual situation of the village.

Hewan Village is located in the southeast of Zhongshan Town. There are 278 households with 1297 people in the village, with an area of ​​4050 mu of arable land and more than 2000 mu of Chinese prickly ash. The soil in the village is fertile, the environment is moist, and the light is sufficient, which is suitable for the growth of vegetables, Pinellia and other crops. Guided by the party branch, carried by the cooperative, and supported by the supporting units, the village explores a new way for the party building of “party branch + cooperative + peasant households” to boost the development of industries that enrich the people, strengthen the village’s collective economy, and drive the masses to increase their incomes and become rich. Relying on the assistance of the Provincial Forestry and Grassland Bureau, the villagers’ idle land was transferred to give full play to the advantages of the forestry and grass system industry, and 20 spring sheds were built, which were rented out by the village to farmers who wanted to plant. After waiting for the expenses, strive to increase the village’s collective economic income by 40,000 yuan per year. In the direction of specialization and standardization, provide seeds and technologies, strengthen technical training, carry out special planting of off-season vegetables such as peppers and cucumbers and cherry tomatoes, and guide the masses to plant 20 acres of Pinellia, creating a new situation in the characteristic planting industry.

In the next step, Hewan Village, Zhongshan Town will take the completed greenhouse base as the center, mobilize the masses to build by themselves, and rely on the funds of the supporting units. Support and other methods to expand the scale from point to area, let the greenhouse vegetable industry rise, truly achieve strong branches, prosperous industries, and prosperous farmers, laying a more solid foundation for rural revitalization.

(Editor: Li Xiaobing, Editor-in-charge: Lu Shujuan, Editor: Wang Xiaotao)