Poor waist is rooted in liver stagnation. Interpreting a prescription for soothing the liver has a miraculous effect on treating low back pain.

There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine: emotional discomfort is responsible for liver stagnation. Emotional carefreeness originates from the smoothness of liver qi.

ThereforeTCM advocates soothing the liver, relieving depression and curing all diseases. Let’s share a case for you to understand better.

There is such a patient, nearly 50 years old, who reported that he had persistent pain in the left waist, and every time the pain was painful, he would sweat and feel uncomfortable.

At that time, the doctor saw that there was no redness and swelling in the place where the patient said the pain, the pulse was thin and astringent, and the coating was thin and white

The doctor wanted to prescribe medicine for warming the meridian and dispelling cold, but the patient said that the last time he consulted another doctor, he took medicine for warming the meridian and dispelling cold, but it didn’t work.

This sentence suddenly made the doctor a little overwhelmed. Later, after in-depth communication with the patient, I learned that the patient has a strong personality and has always had a bad relationship with his daughter-in-law. A quarrel arises.

Carefully observe that the patient’s tongue is dark purple, which is typical of qi stagnation and blood stasis, and pain in the waist is a manifestation of qi stagnation.

The doctor immediately wrote this recipe-

Tangerine peel, Bupleurum, Chuanxiong, Citrus aurantium , Paeonia suffruticosa, licorice root, Cyperus officinalis. Green skin, frankincense, myrrh, live alone.

Shui Jianbi, one dose per day.

As a result, after the patient just finished 4 doses, the pain in the lower back has been relieved, and after 4 doses, the pain disappeared and all symptoms subsided.

At the same time, the patient is reminded to keep a good mood and not to get angry.

Why do you say that, this patient’s low back pain is caused by liver stagnation and qi stagnation. It is necessary to use the method of soothing the liver and resolving depression. The compatibility used by traditional Chinese medicine practitioners above is Chaihu Shugan Powder in “Jingyue Quanshu”. In fact, experienced friends may see that this composition also contains Zhang Zhongjing’s Sini Sans combination: Bupleurum, peony, citrus aurantium, licorice, and then add tangerine peel, chuanxiong and fragrant root . In order to achieve the effect of soothing the liver and relieving depression. Frankincense and myrrh are good at treating lower extremity pain. This group of herbs really complement each other!

In our life, most people’s back pain may be caused by injury, or it is common to suffer from overwork from heavy physical work, but if the doctor tells you that the pulse is multi-stringed during the examination, You have to think about whether you are stumped by your emotions. Now everyone’s living conditions are better, and most of the various diseases that many people have have are closely related to their daily emotions. At this time, the way to soothe the liver and relieve depression is used to treat pain , is also a good method!

Because there are many cases of such patients, I would like to tell you today that treating low back pain is not as bad as others say, I believe that as long as the symptoms are right, it will be effective. But unfortunately, many people blindly take medicines without knowing their symptoms and causes.

So if you have low back pain, you can leave a message to help you analyze your condition and get a quick recovery.