Yang Zhenning’s “Secrets of Longevity” has nothing to do with sports, but mainly in these three points, it is worth learning from

Longevity has always been a topic and goal pursued by people. How can we live longer? This question has been explored by people. Since ancient times, people have been discussing how to live longer. The ancients searched for elixir for longevity, and modern people have joined the ranks of health care for longevity, using various methods to achieve The purpose of prolonging life.

Do you know Yang Zhenning?

Academician Yang Zhenning, born in 1922, is the first Chinese scientist to visit China after Sino-US relations. He has made great contributions and is now a professor at the University of Hong Kong and Tsinghua University, as well as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a member of the Royal Society.

Although Academician Yang Zhenning is old, his physical fitness is very good. 28-year-old Weng Fan got married, and the news caused a sensation all over the world.

At that time, the marriage between Academician Yang Zhenning and Weng Fan was controversial, because Yang Zhenning was 82 years old at the time, and his wife But he is 54 years younger than him, so he is not favored by everyone.

However, at the 100th birthday banquet of Academician Yang Zhenning, Mr. Yang Zhenning also delivered a speech entitled “Hope People Live Longer” , thousands of miles” speech, the whole speech process is very natural and very smooth.

Although Academician Yang Zhenning’s hearing has deteriorated, his mental state is still very good, and he and his wife Weng Fan also Especially in love.

Yang Zhenning’s “Secret of Longevity” has nothing to do with exercise, but mainly in three points, which are worth learning from

1. Balanced diet

Academician Zhenning Yang believes that if you are sick, you should go to the doctor first and take medicine under the advice and guidance of the doctor, instead of making judgments for yourself.

Academician Zhenning Yang said that the secret to longevity is simple, as long as you maintain a balanced diet in your life, span>If you want to continue your life, you cannot do without eating, so eating is especially important.

Academician Zhenning Yang’s three meals a day are all eaten on time and according to the amount, and every meal Rice pays special attention to nutritional matching, including meat and vegetarian food, as well as whole grains.He habitually chews and swallows slowly when eating, so that the stomach can digest and absorb better, and also Makes gastrointestinal function healthier.

2, family harmony p>

Academician Yang Zhenning also said that if the family atmosphere is particularly harmonious, then the mood will naturally be better and everything will be prosperous. As long as the family relationship is harmonious, there will be no worries about anything.

Home is our sweet haven, if If you don’t even have your own harbor, you will have no motivation to do anything, and you will even give up on yourself and gradually lose confidence in life.

So a harmonious family relationship is particularly critical, and a harmonious family relationship will lead to a healthier body, spiritually can also be satisfied.

3. Reading is better than health supplements p>

Academician Yang Zhenning always likes to read books when he has nothing to do, because reading books has many benefits for the body. It will be easier to communicate with people, and it can also effectively prevent diseases.

The most important thing when we read a book is whether we can calm down, and calmness is also the key to health span>, the so-called calm down is not to sit still for a long time, but to exercise properly in life. The most important thing is to maintain a peaceful state of mind. Emotions that are too fluctuating avoid affecting physical health, so it is especially critical to focus on relaxing.

Conclusion: In fact, no matter what the secret of longevity is, I need to insist on doing it myself, otherwise even if I collect more longevity The secret is that you will not live long. In the end, I hope everyone can live a long life without disease or disaster.